
Central Market





HosuiFragrant Water特別純米
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Central Market
300 ml. 16% ABV. Imported by K.I.A.I, sakestory.com. Imbibed chilled. Very fragrant, earthy notes. Taste to match, with mushrooms, and funky notes, followed by a slightly sweet, mellow finish.
TentakaTokubetsu Junmai特別純米
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Central Market
300 ml. 15.6% ABV. Imported by Vine Connections. Drank slightly chilled. Notes of earthyness, and mushrooms, with a taste to match. Slight note of dark chocolate as well. A bit of syrupy mouth feel.
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Central Market
300 ml. 16.4% ABV. Imported by K.I.A.I., sakestory.com. Drank this one slightly chilled. Color is straw yellow, and nose reminds me of an earthy, junmai sake. Taste is more along the lines of a fruity JG, with notes of melon and green apple--almost like a slightly heavier, more complex JDG. Slight alcohol tingle at the end from the high ABV. Very drinkable (went well with the Thai curry salmon I had for dinner).
FukuchoMoon on the Water純米吟醸
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Central Market
30p ml. 16% ABV. Bottled January 2020, drank November 2020. Imported by Vine Connections. Crisp nose of green apple and melon. Flavor profile is heavy and syrup-y, with a slight taste of alcohol. Definitely a bit boozy. Tastes like a cross between a JDG and a light JG, but stronger and thicker. Definitely a slow sipper.
MantenseiStar Filled Sky純米吟醸古酒
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Central Market
300 ml. 15.5% ABV. Bottles May 2019. Aged 3 years at the brewery, and another 1.5 years in bottle. Tasted chilled, then slightly chilled. Imported by Vine Connections. Very mushroomy, earthy smell and taste. Color is very yellow, most likely due to the aging process. Taste is full of umami -- no green apple and pear notes here! Best for those that like a lot of character in their sake. Had it with sushi, but would recommend something lighter in profile instead -- leave this to sip on its own.
KanbaraBride of the Fox純米吟醸
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Central Market
300 ml. 16.5% ABV. Imported to the USA by Vine Connections. Enjoyed chilled. Musty, mushroomy notes on the nose, that follow through on the palate. Some alcohol on the back-end, but not much burn. Tastes more like a junmai than a JG.
斎称Yuki no Bosha純米吟醸
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Central Market
300 ml. 16% ABV. Imported by Joto Sake (jotosake.com). Enjoyed chilled. A limited release. Notes of green apple Jolly Rancher candy on the nose. Thick, slightly syrup-y taste of melon with slight alcohol burn on the back end. Definitely one of the sweeter JDs.