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Kōriyama Station (郡山駅)

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自然酒生酛純米原酒 酵母無添加 蔵付き酵母
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Kōriyama Station (郡山駅)
I am going home today. Shinkansen Yamabiko, I had a bowl of standing buckwheat noodles at the station (*^^*) and had my third bowl on the way home there (*^^*). I bought it before changing trains. My luggage is getting heavier and heavier. Yeah ❗️ surprised me. I thought it was a gentle sake from Aizu, but it was so different. It tastes strong. The sweet and nettlesome taste goes down your throat and the aroma escapes from your nose. Well, I was surprised by the unexpected taste. I had never tasted this kind of sake before. I was drunk after one sip. I wish I had drank this from the beginning instead of eating soba.