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Manabu IshikawaManabu Ishikawa

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Naminooto古壺新酒 2024 播州愛山純米大吟醸生酒
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Manabu Ishikawa
When you take a small sip, you can smell a faint aroma of black honey and a hint of aging, It has a melting mouthfeel, a honey-like sweetness, and a very strong bitter aftertaste. At first glance, the heavy aftertaste might make you tired of drinking it because it is an old-fashioned sake, but it is not as persistent as one might expect from a new sake made in an old vase. (But it is not as persistent as one might think... (But one must have a tolerance for old incense...)
Yuki no Bosha美酒の設計純米吟醸
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Manabu Ishikawa
When you put it in your mouth, a gentle pear aroma escapes from your nose. It has no resistance, just like water. When you swallow it, you can feel the skin of the pear, When you swallow it, you feel the skin of the pear, and the astringent acidity and bitterness at the back of your tongue. Even at 16% alcohol, there is almost no smell. This is the design of Bishu.
Sakehitosuji限定品 雄町100% 淡にごり かたつむり純米吟醸生酒おりがらみにごり酒
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Manabu Ishikawa
Pear aroma exits the nose on the palate. There is a faint sweet astringency, It is swallowed with a guchu guchu. The rice flavor and mellow aroma returns. The snail is relieved to be home. It is called again, so it sets out on its journey.