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かかとソックス - ビギナーの日本酒研究かかとソックス - ビギナーの日本酒研究

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Matsumine no Fuji純米生酒にごり酒発泡
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かかとソックス - ビギナーの日本酒研究
I want to feel summer. In search of shuwashu, I tried to go to Matsumine no Fuji. The aroma is just pear! Fresh green. They use Yamagata Prefecture's Shuzokotekomai Dewanosato. This rice is said to have a less cloying taste without being so polished. Indeed, it is easy to drink without any complexity. We did summer with lemon-flavored canned mackerel. Ingredient rice: Dewanosato Polishing ratio 77 Yeast: Yamagata KA Sake degree +3 Acidity 1.5 Alcohol 16%. ★★★★☆☆☆☆
AramasaNo.6 R-type純米生酛生酒
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かかとソックス - ビギナーの日本酒研究
R(Regular)-type, the entry-level version of Shinmasa Sake Brewery. No. 6 represents a yeast called "Kyokai No. 6". This yeast is said to have the ancestral genes of the sake yeast used since then. Although this sake is made with such good old yeast, it tastes new to those who know the taste of standard sake. I wonder if it is because it is old that it feels new to me. ★★★★☆
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かかとソックス - ビギナーの日本酒研究
Tsuchida Shuzo's debut was Tsuchida Namahashimo. It is said that the rice is polished for Tsuchida's sake. I was surprised to learn that Tsuchida's flagship sake, Shin Tsuchida, is made with 90% rice. The taste was refreshing, with a crisp aroma on the nose that made it easy to drink. To be honest, the aroma left such a strong impression on me that I neglected to enjoy the taste, so I would like to drink it again. Rice: Gunma-grown rice Rice polishing ratio 60 Sake degree -2.7 Acidity 2.3 Alcohol percentage 14 ★★★★