蛸薬師堂コナラシギIne to Agave稲と草木Ine to Agave BreweryAkita3/22/2025, 3:14:12 AM18蛸薬師堂コナラシギRefreshing type with lemongrass and black letters (blue letters are included). Delicious with soda and the aroma stands up better.Japanese>English
蛸薬師堂コナラシギIne to Agaveラーメン専用Ine to Agave BreweryAkita3/8/2025, 12:09:32 AM3/7/202518蛸薬師堂コナラシギJuicy, good even without matching. It is also good after opening the bottle and leaving it for a day.Japanese>English