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Yukinobijin純米吟醸 山田錦 6号酵母
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Yukimi with a sense of calmness 😌Yamada Nishiki and No.6 yeast...I have a feeling I'm going to like this one 😊. I'll have a sip! I was so impressed with the taste of ‼️ when I took a sip 🥺. I'm sure Piro-san couldn't help but say to himself, "Yum! No wonder Piro couldn't help but say to himself 🤗. Not too sweet and not too sour, just the way we like it! The first taste is a zingy flavor that is wrapped up by a nice acidity 😌 It's clean and beautiful to drink 😍. It was so good it killed us in an instant 😄 And the third otumami of the day... Last Friday, after a sudden SOS from my daughter, Nobby went on an expedition to Chiba 🚗 successfully solved the problem and went back to Tombo on Saturday💦. I thought she must be tired, so I went to Asanoya and got the one remaining ikatoro maki (squid toro maki) from ❗️. And with an apology from my daughter, we added J&N's favorite Chiba edamame 🫛 to our table 🎵. Chiba edamame is delicious! And I knew the squid toro was yummy 😋! Manachie, I put a close-up of the 4th photo 👋.
Mr. Jay & Mrs. Nobby Good evening... This is a must-try dish for sake drinkers! I have an image of Yuki no Bijin as sweet, but it's delicious!
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😃. What is this squid toro roll ✌️ Isn't he the kind of guy that drinkers love 😍. If this is the kind of snack, it's no wonder Yuki no Bijin kills it in an instant💓.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌙 Thank you for your hard work 💦 & Jay for your kindness💕I've never had squid toro maki, but it looks delicious 😳and your daughter's edamame! Edamame at this time of the year is delicious!
Jay & Nobby, good morning 😃Oh, I've been longing for squid toro rolls 🤣I stopped by the other week or so but couldn't buy them so I thought I'd make them myself. I stopped by the other week or so but couldn't buy it so I thought I'd make it myself 🤣I'll try to make it with the picture as a reference 🤣.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby 😃. Nobii classmates, thank you for your emergency service: ❗️ Yukimi is so good at abbreviating 😁. The squid toro looks really good👍. Please take me next time 🤲.
Good morning, Jay and Nobby. ☀️ Yukimi is a true beauty with a beautiful mouthfeel. ❣️ Yamadanishiki and No.6 yeast Yukimi, I can see why you would say "wow! I'm sure you'll agree 😋! The squid toro maki looks delicious😍!
Rafa papa
Good morning Jay & Nobby😃. Squid toro looks so delicious 🤣I've never seen anything like this before😳I wonder if it will catch on nationwide since it's a dish you can make if you want to 😁Yukimi, I'll use it👍.
Hi, kozo 😃 I'm a fan of the squid toro maki! It's not easy to find, but it's a delicious snack that really makes your sake go down the drain 🤗. Yukimi's here is very tasty and not too sweet 🤗🤗.
Hi 3KAN4ON 😃 I always get it when I find it here: ‼️ They don't sell a lot of it, so I can't buy it very often 😅It makes any sake taste good 👍This Yukimi is a instant kill without it though 🤗.
Hi Pon-chan 😃 I went to Chiba the other day and when I came back, I was so happy to find some sashimi waiting for me 🤗. The edamame were already finished and the grains were small but they were delicious👍But the most delicious one was Yukimi's ❗️
Hi Manachy 😃. I went there around 2:00 and there was only one left 🤗. And it was still good 😋 but I think it was a little less than usual 🤔. That's great that you decided to make it yourself👍
Hi, Chichi 😃. Thank you very much 🫡I think someone else used the name Yukimi 😅All the sashimi at this fish shop is delicious.... The squid toro maki is excellent 🤗 though a bit expensive 🥲.
Hi T.KISO 😃 You really are a beauty to drink 😍 and I have to say this is ummah ‼️ 😄 we were both looking back at how good it was yesterday too 🤗. The squid toro maki is also delicious 😋.
Hi Rafa papa 😃 It is true that squid toro looks easy to make 😄But this fish shop is the winner of TV Champion before! But the fish shop here!
Good evening, J&N. The squid toro maki looks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! I'll try to copy it next time but I'll have to try it once 😁.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! I'm so happy to see you here 😄 The squid toro maki looks so delicious! At first glance, I thought it was squid mentaiko, but this is a great dish to try 🤤.
Good morning, kan 😃. Yes, it's very tasty! It's so delicious 🤗 I love the spirit of trying to make it 👏I can't buy it very often 😅.
Good morning, MAJ 😃! The squid mentaiko looks delicious 😋The squid toro maki from here is so tender and so tasty 🤗It's a must-have snack that will make your drinks go down the drain!
Hi Jay & Nobby😄! Isn't that Asanoya's squid toro maki ✨It looks so delicious 😆 I wish I could try it too ❣️ The delicious Yukimi made your drink even more delicious 😋🤗Urayamacy😆.
Good evening, Tsubu 😃. This squid toro maki is really good 😋. I wish I could bring my own if I was allowed to bring my own tsumami at the prefects' meeting 😁and this Yukimi was delicious 🤗.
Jay & Nobby, thank you for your time! I was surprised to see my name mentioned before I knew it, but it's the sake that makes me want to shout out in my heart yes! Yamadanishiki, No.6 yeast, Snow Beauty..., Of course it's delicious! LOL!
Hi Piro 😃 I bought this after seeing Piro's post and we both actually said it was delicious ‼️ 😆. This was delicious 😌.