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Gakki Masamune白鼓大吟醸中取り無濾過
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Today I went to my wife's parents' house to make the annual New Year's cards for my parents-in-law. After the work, we had dinner. My mother-in-law is a very good cook and always makes a lot of delicious snacks. Now, I brought some sake to my wife's parents' house for a drink. It was the first time to drink sake from the brewery. Finally, we were able to drink a bottle of Oki Daikichi Honten's instrument Masamune. This time it is Hakutsumi. My wife's parents don't drink, so it's just me. So, let's start drinking. The first day First, the aroma. It has a fruity aroma. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel a fresh, fruity sweetness. Perhaps it is because of the sweetness that accompanies the spiciness, but it is not too sweet, and I felt that it was well-balanced. After that, a soft bitterness is felt slowly, and once again, I felt that the balance is good. There are also moments when you can feel the firm alcohol. As the temperature rises, a banana-like sweetness emerges, making it an enjoyable sake that changes in taste with temperature. It is a sake that becomes more and more delicious as you drink it. The second day The sweetness increased and the overall taste became milder. The bitterness is also well balanced, making it easier to drink on the second day.
Good evening, ma-ki🌛! Congratulations on your first "instrument Masamune" 🎉. The New Year's card issue for my parents' generation this season is a headache 😅. I haven't done it yet myself and it's giving me a headache 😵.
Good evening, ma-ki. I don't often get to see instrumental Masamune, but it has a nice balance of sweetness and dryness 😋 and your relationship with your wife's parents is lovely: ✨️
Congratulations on your first Gakkie, ma-ki- san 🎊👏. I have been waiting for that time to come since you commented before that you were looking forward to getting this one and drinking it. I'm so glad you enjoyed your mother's home-cooked meal 🥰🥰.
ma-ki-, good morning 😃Congratulations on your first instrument 🎊The instrument is really delicious, isn't it? I like every type of instrumental drink, so when I see one, I pick it up 😆.
ma-ki-さん、おはようございます😃 初!楽器正宗おめでとうございます🎊 私はまだ飲んだ事なくて、いつか飲みたいなぁと思っている一本です☝️義母さまの美味しいお料理にとても合いそうな印象を受けました❣️
Hi ma-ki, ☀️ Congratulations on your first instrument: ㊗️ and a great guy: ❗️ The instrument Masamune is a great cosmetic instrument, and it looks really tasty, too!
Thank you for your comment, Gyve. Are you in charge of New Year's cards too 😁✨ My wife's parents have a clear image, so as long as I can hold down the date, the work is relatively quick, so it's not too much of a pain 😊.
Thanks for your comment Nao888. Yes, it is true. I don't often come across Masamune, so I may not be able to drink it for a while 💧. It's a really well-balanced sake, not too sweet 😊.
Thanks for your comment N.E. Yes, I remember N.E.'s review and it was exactly what I was thinking ✨, it's a loopy drink! My mother-in-law's cooking is really good so it was sinking in😊.
Thanks for the comment, Wakata. The instrument was really delicious✨ I was told that the Honjozo is also excellent, so if I come across it, I'd love to get it 😊.
Thank you for your comment, HinaHanaMama. I felt it was easy to match with food since it is not too sweet even though it gets better and better as you drink it 🎵. If you have a chance, please give it a try 😊.
Thanks for your comment Maru. It was my first time at Rakuraki and I really enjoyed it 🎵. I was told that the regular Honjozo is also very cost effective and tasty, so I would like to try that next time 😊.
Hi ma-ki-😃 I feel the year is coming to an end with my parents making New Year's cards 😌we don't send out any of our own 😆. And congratulations on your first gakky 🪕🎉 Actually we only had 2 bottles and I don't remember much 😅.
Thank you Jay & Nobby for your comments. It really is an end of the year tradition 😁✨. So even you two only have two bottles 😲. It's a rare sake to find, so you might want to cherish the moment you encounter it 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki-😃. Congratulations on your first instrument Masamune 🎶🪈. Hakudo, gorgeous and intoxicating 🙂 ☺️ I personally find Oki Daikichi Honten's brewing alcohol addition technique amazing, so I'd like to try the Shirotsuki 😊.
Thank you for your comment, Aladdin. Oki Daikichi Honten, your brewing alcohol addition technique is amazing. ⤴️ I learned about it from other people 🎵. I'd like to try the Honjozo next time ✨ Would love to try the Shirozumi too😊.
Good evening, ma-ki-🦉. Congratulations on your first instrument 🎉 first time here 😳 great ✨I'm going back to Sugosgo when I see the price, but it looks delicious! I'll try my best this time 😆. It's a reward for your filial piety 😉.
Thanks for your comment, Pon. It was my first time at Mr. Instruments, so I was a little excited 💧. But it was a very tasty drink ⤴️ Pon-chan, if you have a chance, please give it a try 😊.