SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Ubusuna2022 山田錦 酵母無添加 四農醸
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Back in time, about ⌛️2 months ago Jay's car 🚙 had to be dropped off for inspection, and as we were driving home in Nobby's car, we decided to stop by a liquor store since we got out so early🤗. I happened to be at the store when it opened and was surprised to see a lot of cars parked there 😳. I wondered what was going on, but it turned out that it was the day for the release of the new version of San-Do 😅I entered the store without knowing anything 😅It was a bit expensive, but I went with the flow and got it automatically 👍. I let it sit for a while, but opened it to celebrate the end of the losing streak of the Angels 🅰️ 😁. We, the birthplace, are on our third bottle! Now let's have it 😋. The taste is different from the previous two bottles! We were both talking about how the acidity has been added and it's drier 🤗, but it's delicious and we killed it instantly 😋. But when we looked at the empty bottle ❗️, it was the same as the two bottles we drank before ⁉️ Oh❓I bought the same bottle by mistake😨No, but it was expensive😥😥. I compared it to the picture I had taken before, and it looks exactly the same on the outside, but the label on the back is a little different😳. I googled it and found out that the back label has symbols on it that represent each brewing method and farming method, and when all the conditions are met, 4 murals will be completed! Good to know the difference 😁.
Jay & Nobby, good evening 🌙. I happened to go to the store and get this drink, awesome 😳‼️ taste is still different. Still, I'm jealous that this is your third bottle 😊👍.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby. I'm so jealous that you just happened to stop by and get a bottle of sundo ✨. I've been staring at my cell phone to see if I want to buy it or not, lol. I see there's a trick on the back label too 😲.
Jay & Nobby, good evening 🌕I haven't been able to get my hands on a bottle of Sundo because it is so expensive, but I really want to drink it 😊I really like the Sundo label. It's interesting that the label on the back is a trick 😊.
Rafa papa
Good morning Jay & Nobby 😃. I'm glad your diligent patrolling led you to get the rare sake 😌But still, I haven't had a sundo since I bought one in Fukuoka 😳I'm jealous 🤣
Hi Pon 😃 We seem to have quite good luck with liquor stores 😅 although we didn't buy ✌️ 😅 we also encountered a birthplace the day before yesterday!
Hi ma-ki-😃 I'm lucky enough to have a store near there that deals in sansho and it's pretty easy to get it 🤗I couldn't tell the difference just from the table 😅.
Hi Galilan 😃 Yes, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy it or not! It's delicious, but it's expensive 🥲 and also cosy because it kills you instantly 😆. Back label! I finally figured it out after comparing it with the previous picture 🤔
Hi Rafa papa 😃 We met on a chance patrol 🤗 We have more encounters with our birthplace 😄.
Hi Jay & Nobby ☀☀☀. Your alcohol sensor is very sensitive 😁 I envy you, even if it's just a coincidence 😊. It's nice to have a little trick on the back label to make it fun besides drinking 😆.
Hello~! Yamada Nishiki from Sansho! That's a very expensive one 🤤. It's a shame that it's so expensive and you can't get it in the blink of an eye.
Hi Gyve 😃. Thanks for your help, it's worth polishing the antenna 📡 of my sake sensor every day 🤗. It's also interesting to understand the meaning behind the pattern on the back label: ❗️
Hi, Mr. Liquor Guy 😃. Yes, I went with the flow of people who came to ❗️ for this and bought it even though it was expensive 😅. Sure it's a waste, but when I noticed it was empty 😆.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby😄! It's great that you happened to stop by a liquor store on the day of the Sansho release 😳. We will soon be releasing a new wooden vat brewed Hozumasu San-no-zozo with a different rice, so be sure to check that out as well 🍶.
Jay & Nobby Good evening 😄It's a birthplace. I had only had one kind. You had good timing to go to the liquor store. You meet a good sake when you happen to be in the right place at the right time.
Hi Aladdin 😃 I really didn't know anything about it, so I thought I was lucky to have a drink 🥹 Oh ❗️ I see 😀 I'll try to go for it next time 😄.
Hi Sashu 😃. We are lucky to have a liquor store near us and this time luck was on our side 🤗.
Jay & Nobby, you drank the Four Farmer's Brewery when you commented before! It's delicious 😆 It's more balanced than the two-no-no-no-noro brew! Our family has also concluded that we like the higher Sanndo Yamadanishiki better!
Muuuuuuh, good evening 😃. Yes, ❗️ made me wait quite a while 😅 but I enjoyed it 😋. Glad we came to the same conclusion 🤗.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! I happen to know that Jay has some 😆👍. I guess it tastes better than the second brewery. ❣️ I'm looking forward to seeing when it comes out ♫
Good evening, Tsubu 😃. What a lot of coincidences 🤗I hope you don't lose your drinking luck 😌. Oh! That's what I'm talking about 😁You can find anything 👍.