SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
TomioPremier amour純米
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After visiting the grave, I went to Isetan. I was looking to buy a cup of Tomiou-san's sake for the 16th when I was caught by the clerk 😆 Unfortunately, there were no cups available, but I bought this one which I tasted. Unfortunately, they didn't have any cups, but I bought this one that I tasted! Sandesi. Polishing ratio 68 Alcohol 13%. Not much aroma, but when you drink it, it is sweet and sour, like a white wine. It is very smooth and easy to drink. ❣️ It's low in alcohol and even people who don't like sake can enjoy it! The third picture is other tasting. Top left: Summer Limited Junodai, fresh but very refreshing and a little spicy! Top right: Jun-gin all Kyoto rice, soft sweetness, refreshing and spicy! Bottom left Jun Daiginrei, very clear and clean taste For some reason, I was recommended to drink only the clear type, saying "this is dry" 😂. The only sweet Premiere Amour I had to ask to taste 😆.
Good evening, Pon. 😊 Perfect drink for this hot weather. 😍. But it's almost time for hiyayogoshi to It's coming out, isn't it? 😂. Little by little, I feel autumn I feel autumn is coming. 😋
Pon. Hello. 〜I was recommended to try the dry and refreshing type... I wonder if it was written on my face 😁. I like dry 🤣. I'm sure that's not true...you like sweet and tasty 😘Tasting is fun because you get to hear the stories 👍.
Good evening, Ponchan 😀 This sake looks really easy to drink 🍶. It's a great feeling when you come across a good sake at a tasting 😇 I also went to Kyoto's Kamizo on the 17th, but they were sold out of the Daimonji no Okuribi sake😅.
Good evening, Pon-chan. It's still very hot, so I think it's good to drink low-alcohol, sweet and sour sake 🎵. I've been drinking a lot of summer sake lately, so I'd like to try some of the year-round strong type as well 😊.
Good evening, Pon-chan ^_^ I've had a few white wine-like drinks and they were all good, so this one looks good too👍. I should have used Sandesi in my review of Shimoda Reimei 🥲.
Hi Pon 😃 Sweet and sour white wine type! We love the taste 😍. The picture looked so big at first glance, I thought you hadn't had a four-pack in a long time 😄.
Hi Pon, Hi 😃White wine type, a delicious one, I'm curious about the rave 😆 You had a wonderful time tasting all the different wines 😊.
Hi, Hanapin 🐦. Before I know it, the bugs will be singing 🦗Autumn sake is on the line and usually I would buy cold sake right away, but this year I couldn't reach for it 💦It's still delicious 〰😂. You are continuing your abstinence from sake 😊👍
Hi Kojo 🐦. The waitresses here are tough 😂. Maybe the general public still likes the dry 💦 or maybe I just looked like a nightly drinker 😆.
Hi Yasbay🐦. I'm sorry to hear about your fire sake 😢 Maybe a lot of people buy it as a souvenir💦. Tasting it certainly doesn't hurt 😁I really appreciate being able to buy it with peace of mind😊.
Hello, ma-ki-san 🐦. Are you getting tired of summer sake? I usually say I want to drink fall sake already 😁, but with this heat this year, it's not so easy 💦, but I'm curious to see what's out there 😆.
Hi Manta 🐦. It's a bit sweet but easy to drink 😊Mrs. Might like it 😊❣️ Sandesi, while it's fun to drink a lot of different things, it's not very cosy and I've never had one that lasted this long either 😆.
Thank you Jay & Nobby for your help here 😊. We've got a really small sake going on 😳 and the liver is on Bon vacation too 🤣. I'm drinking a four-pack right now, so it'll be business as usual next time 😆.
Hi Waka 🐦. As I often say, the shopkeepers are tough 🤣 but it was nice to sample some Kyoto sake for the first time in a while 😁. In summer, drinking sweet and sour sake helps to relieve fatigue 😆👍.
Pon, hello 🐶. I love the bright yellow bottle, it's so cute! I've never had much sake from Kyoto, surprisingly, so I'd like to give it a try 😂.
Hello 🐶🐦. I'm not much of a home drinker either 💦 thank goodness I was able to taste it since it was being tasted 😂. I just looked at the color of the label 🍍 and you think it tastes like 🍍? 🤣
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌇. Just a few days ago I also drank Tanshu Yamadanishiki in Kyoto (2 threads down) 😁It was delicious with a smooth texture on the tongue! I got into sake from Sawaya Matsumoto and Kyoto sake is delicious 😋.
Hi ellie 🐦. The one you had looks fruity and delicious 😊Kyoto had a lot of sweet classic flavors, but now there are more and more 😳I think I have to appt it these days 😁.