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Ubusuna三農譲 山田錦純米吟醸生酒
Ubusuna Check-in 1Ubusuna Check-in 2
Ubusuna Check-in 3Ubusuna Check-in 4
酒楽 掬正
At the end of April, when I went to have a drink with my wife at chuin-san, she suddenly saw chuin-san's sake cellar and said that she would give me back the space in my home refrigerator if I had something like this ❓🤣 We have a sake fridge at home, but it is not enough to hold all the sake we have 😅. We have a sake fridge in our house, but it doesn't hold enough sake and the sake has invaded the chiller and vegetable compartment of the home fridge😅. The sake cellar that I bought saying "of course" will arrive today, so I took a day off work to install it😇. I was pleasantly replacing the sake cellar and the sake fridge alone, but... ❓What do you know, the sake cellar and the sake fridge alone can't hold all the sake, and some of it is back in the home fridge again😅. This is not good😅 I bought a bottle of Kido's summer orange liqueur, which she loves, to put her in a good mood, but on the contrary, we are running out of space 🤣. Anyway, we toasted with our family's standard toast, sansudo, as a celebration for the cellar, but she didn't have time to taste the delicious sansudo and avoided Mrs. Kido's gaze 🙇. I have to be quiet for the time being😅
When I came home, I found a sake cellar! It stands out in the living room. So much sake in our house? I realized once again 💦. It's hard for me to complain since I get 🍶 sake every day, but it looks great and I'm happy with it 😊.
Good evening, Yasbay🌆. Oh, wow, you're in 🎂 Is this Sakura🌸? It's wonderful 😀
Yasbay, your cellar looks good ✨. I can't believe you still can't fit it in there 💧. The lineup is amazing as well as the number of bottles ❗I'm drooling just looking at it 😁. Your wife's gaze made me chuckle too!
Congratulations to Yasube & Kaorin for installing a sake cellar: ㊗️ It's a spectacular sight ☺️, I can see the look of satisfaction on Yasube's face when he took the picture after finishing the display 😁. Not even the most ordinary stores have this much in stock 😊.
Good evening, Yasbay 🌔. Sakuraworks‼️ I also have a little small fridge from the same company😁. The lineup is already, scary 🤣. It's insanely well stocked, great👍.
Good evening Yasube, 🌙😃❗Congratulations on the sake cellar installation 😁I have a refrigerator problem, sometimes my house can't fit in the cellar and my wife is in a bad mood ❗I tend to buy things but be careful 😊.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Yasube-san! (^^)/ Well, I feel like I've heard this story somewhere! We bought a large wine cellar, but we also have a fridge overflowing with sake, and eventually a potty ban is in effect (smiles)!
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasbay 😃 I'm so jealous that you bought a cellar 😊🤣the sake in stock looks so good too😋 I'll help you get rid of the stock 😁.
Hi Yasbay 😃 Oh! This is the cellar you bought 😍The sake inside is so shiny and cool, it's like a museum 🤩I can drink more just looking at this 🤗.
Hello @Mizuhashi 😀 Yes, I've chosen Sakura's cellar 😀. But there is a compressor at the back of the bottom tier, so it can't hold too much 😅.
Hi, ma-ki-chan 😀 I guess I should really drink them in the order I bought them, but I'm so small-minded that I end up leaving the hard-to-find liquors behind 🤣. I could see your wife's scared face when she finally realized that you couldn't fit them all in 😅.
Hi Aladdin 😀 Kawada-san from CHUIN told me that the 3-temperature controlled low-temperature stocker is better to hold a lot of food, but I didn't expect this to happen 😅. I'll hold off on buying alcohol for a while 🤣.
Hi Maru 😀 Finally, I was able to become a Sakura friend 😀. It would be better if I could get more in that size 🤣. I'll try to consume them without buying too many for a while 😅.
Hello, TAKAHIRO 😀 Sake has a season, so if you end up buying too many of your favorite tasting sake, you'll have a fridge problem 😅. It's especially hard since I started Sake-no-wa because there are more and more sake I want to try 🤣.
Hi Tomoyuki Kumagai 😀 It's the same fridge problem everywhere 🤣. And since I had shoved the bottles all the way to the back of the vegetable compartment, I didn't even think I had this many bottles so I thought I could fit them all in 😅.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 We would love to have you come and open the cellar at our house with us 😇. We would love to have handmade soba noodles at our house 🙏 Kaorin will be looking forward to it 😇. I'm sure Kaorin will be looking forward to it😇
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 If I don't drink soon, I don't think I'll get permission to buy alcohol for the time being 😅. I actually have a few drinks that I can only drink now and would like to drink after seeing Sake no Wa's post😇. I can't catch up 🤣.
Good morning, Yasbaye 😄 Nice cellar ✨lots of liquors that make me happy just looking at them😍We also bought Lemacom when I complained about the fridge problem, but for some reason there are also liquors all over the fridge💦I'm in trouble 😅.
Hi, Tsubu-chan 😀 The owner of the chuin store I often go to told me to use the same Lemacom as ours anyway, but not as much as the one they use for commercial use 🤣. But I still have some left in my fridge for home use😅.