SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
KankobaiProto Type M純米吟醸 原酒
Kankobai Check-in 1Kankobai Check-in 2
I left it open for a week... it was 14 degrees... another bottle is good. ⁉️ Of course, there was no way anyone could object 😅The second bottle was chosen here! It's the first bottle I found at a local liquor store I hadn't been to in a while. ‼️ I asked the owner, "I don't like sweet sake, but is this one okay? When I asked the owner if this one was okay, he smiled and said, "It's not sweet, it's just delicious 😙. Nobby said, "Don't you drink only Jikin or Saku for Mie sake? I was so surprised that he didn't say that! And Sakegawa playback................................................😳 And I only drank 3 brands of Tamitsu 😕 Top 2 are too strong 😅Tochigi sake is also strong with Senkou & Houou Mita Top 2 though 😉. I'll make love to you now ♬The aroma is gorgeous 😌. The first sip is delicious with a refreshing light sweetness and a refreshing sourness! This is a food sake that is easy to drink and will keep you coming back for more 😙. I broke my rule of no more than 4 gou a day and went for a second bottle, but I drank quite a bit of it 💦 but I was brave enough to put the lid on it! By the way, last Saturday was Tochigi & Chiba Citizens' Day...an important anniversary for us who grew up in Chiba and live in Tochigi. ❗️ And even though we were both in Chiba, we forgot all about it 😫 Tochigi ai~n😢.
Jay & Nobby, congratulations on your first Kankoubai 🎉! You're right, Jikin and Saku have a big impact on Mie sakes 🎵I love Mie sakes 😊. Sentori and Houou Mita top2 waiting in our fridge 😁✨✨.
Jay & Nobi, no one can disagree with you 🙌It looks really delicious 🙌I would love to meet you at ‼️😍We are also waiting for Sentori and Jiin at home. Mie and Tochigi are both too delicious 🥰I guess that means 4 gou of wine per day for you two 🧐.
⭐︎ Good morning, Jay & Nobby! We are still good friends 😁. Mie sake was like that for me too. Jikin and Saku. I should try new sake.
Rafa papa
Good morning Jay & Nobby 😃. I buy Mie sake when I see it 🤣Kangenbai is one of my favorite brands since I bought a rare packet of it 🥰 though it's been a while since I've seen it lately 😅.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 I too only have Jikin and Saku sake from Mie 🤣. But I'm going to visit Ise soon and want to stop by a sake brewery somewhere nearby, so I'm looking for a good brewery to set up a visit 😀.
Hi Jay & Nobby 🐦. I'm interested in Kankoubai because of their cute labels like 🐧 and 🐇, but I only drink it outside 💦 and it doesn't say sweet on the pop 🤔. So Chiba and Tochigi are on the same day 😳 Fate!
Hi Jay & Nobby ^^^^! I have only ever drunk Mie's sake, so I am learning a lot about it! However, there are still many prefectures in Japan where I have never even had a drink...; I am also a resident of Chiba Prefecture, but I had forgotten about Kenmin-no-Hi...
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😃. You have already gone into the realm of not liking sweets 🥹.... But when you say with a smile "it's just so good!" it's hard to resist 😁. It looks like a rare test brew, but I'd like to try it 🤤.
Mr. Jay & Mrs. Nobby Good morning... Mie is indeed a strong two-top! But in my opinion, it's the top three with Tamitsu 😘I'd buy it if I heard the liquor store's sosoing feedback 🤣 for test brewing too 🤣.
Hi ma-ki-, thank you 😃😊Thank you very much 😊The two big heads of Mie Sake 🍶 have a strong impact 😍but the Top 2 from Tochigi are no slouches either🤗I look forward to drinking them 😋.
Hi Pekho 😃 We all agree 🙋🏻🙋🏻‍♀️ it's good to be peaceful😄 Yes 🥲 two people up to four is a rule and we follow it there 🤗 aren't we awesome like that ⁉️😉.
Hello Duke Shibuya 😃. You look the same 😆 I have to open up a new world of Mie Sake 🍶🤗.
Hi Rafa papa😃 I have a definite image of Mie sake 🤗I don't think I've ever seen Kanbongubai with a cute label 🤔.
Hi Yasbay 😃 I knew you would 😊. Quintessence! I don't have any squeaks in my itinerary from visiting Ise to finding a brewery ‼️ 🤗
Hi Pon-chan 😃 I have an image of kanbongubai = cute label 😊It might be fate that we have the same prefectural day 🥹....but I forgot 😆
Hello, freelancer first generation man 😃. I'm going to start with Jikin! But really, the world of sake is wide 😌. Prefectural Citizens' Day! It's easy to forget 😅.
Hi Aladdin 😃 I mean I don't like too sweet 😅I love sweet and sour and stuff 😋 maybe that means I'm ok with everything 😆. I'll buy your smile of "it's so good" 🤗.
Hi Koizo 😃 We too are glad we were able to drink kozo three tops 😊The guy at the liquor store had a drinker's smile 🤤! I'll buy some 🤗.
Jay & Nobby. Good morning. It seems that there are famous sake all over the country. In Mie, there is a sake rice called Kami no Ho, and it was Kami no Ho that got me hooked on sake rice. I also like Yumesasara from Tochigi.
Hi WOM 😃. Really! There is no end to the delicious sake 🍶 from all over the country 😋. I went to a sake festival in Tochigi yesterday and there were many sakes brewed with Yumesasara 🤗.
Jay & Nobby, nice to meet you. Thank you for the congratulatory rice! I envy you and your wife's friendly posting & Sake LIFE. ☺️ I have followed you and hope to see you again in the future.
Good evening, Tomo-kichi 😃. Yes, I'm drinking at Nicoichi 🤗! I'm drinking at Nicoichi 🤗. I'm looking forward to seeing you again 👋