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Brands from Yucho Shuzo


1160, Gose, Nara
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I had never seen it before and that it is made by the Aburacho Brewery, so I asked for this one to drink as well 🤣. Basically, the green bottle is made the same way, but the blue bottle seems to be made by Bozan Shorekiji The blue bottle is made by Bodhiyama Shoryakuji. We started with the 2022. In a word, it is suitable for aperitifs. Is it rich and old sake-like? Old sake? It is. I had it cold, but it could be served on the rocks with ice. I think it is easy to drink though. 👍 Next, 2023. Very easy to drink compared to the 22 year, maybe the best of the bunch this time. Taste-wise it is almost the same as 2022, but it was mellow and easy to drink. Most refreshing. Lastly, Bodhiyama Shorekiji. It is the most drinkable and fruity, but it is also the darkest and has the best aroma 👍. All of them are delicious but a little bit peculiar. It was a little bit peculiar 👍.
Good morning, Robin-san. I saw this sake at Asano-san yesterday and was surprised at the price 🙀. I went to the Bodhi Hashi festival at Shorekiji in January so I'm interested in the blue one 🤔.
good morning bouken! I see you went to the Bodhi Hashimoto Festival👍Next time I will go there too. The blue bottle is expensive 💦 I ordered it on the spur of the moment because it was from Yubinaga 🤣.

Brands from Yucho Shuzo