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Hakutsuru BlancHakutsuru Blanc

Brands from Hakutsuru Shuzo


4-chōme-5-5 Sumiyoshi Minamimachi, Higashinada-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
map of Hakutsuru Shuzo
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Hakutsuru Blanc  Flavors of both wine and sake. Hakutsuru has a strong acidity and sweetness, but has a strong sake flavor. At 8% alcohol, it is easy to drink.  Finished in 2 days, the 8% sweet and sour taste makes it great on its own or with cheese or other snacks. Like Kiku-Masamune's Sesession, the weak point of the major companies is that they are sold through mass merchandisers, so there is no one to directly convey the goodness of their products to the customers. Maybe they should make it in cans and change the sales floor. If I were to buy a wine of about the same price, I would buy this one, for sure. Junmai sake with 78% rice polishing ratio.  I saw a half-price sticker on it at the supermarket where I was traveling, so I bought it immediately. Tax included 704

Brands from Hakutsuru Shuzo