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地酒東村山 本醸造地酒東村山 本醸造
2 check-ins


地酒東村山 本醸造本醸造生貯蔵酒
地酒東村山 本醸造 Check-in 1
Local Sake from Higashimurayama City, Tokyo This is a locally brewed Higashimurayama Honjozo Nama-Shu from the Toshimaya Sake Brewery, which also brews Kinshin and Yamori. It is a rare opportunity to drink this sake, but I won it in a 500-yen raffle at the brewery's direct sales office. To be honest, I am not a fan of Honjozo, but this Honjozo Shiboritate Unfiltered Nama-Genshu and this Nama-Shu are very easy to drink without the aroma of Honjozo, which I do not like. The aroma is mild and the taste is medium. It has a gentle sweetness. It has a clear, clean taste and can be easily matched with a variety of dishes. Tomorrow is the first Toshimaya festival in a long time. Can't go due to work, sorry, sad...

Brands from Toshimaya Shuzo
