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7 check-ins


Shirosagi Check-in 1Shirosagi Check-in 2
Shirosagi Check-in 3Shirosagi Check-in 4
At a tavern near my house. No photo of the brand name was left here either. The texture and mouthfeel were new to me. It's a bit fizzy and fizzy. I personally don't like the taste either 😅. I wanted to enjoy sake near my house today, but it was kind of a dud. I'll try to find a new place again.
Shirosagi Check-in 1Shirosagi Check-in 2
Shirosagi Check-in 3Shirosagi Check-in 4
At Hosoya Yasuhisa Shop I saw it last year, but I couldn't buy it at the wrong time. I heard it will be on sale from March this year, but when I went there today, it was the last bottle. Oh no! The owner of the store remembered me. He was worried about me when there was only one bottle left. Thank you (^^) Doesn't it look impressive? It's the kind of bottle you'd find honey in! The lid is swollen by secondary foaming in the bottle. I carefully poked a hole in the lid as noted. As you can see in the picture, there is a great foaming sensation, a standing aroma that I have never felt before, and what? The smell of rice? No sweetness in the mouth! There is no sweetness in the mouth! It's very rough. It's not sizzling, it's more like "biting"! The bitterness and sourness come first, and the sweetness of the rice lingers at the end. The alcohol content is a little high, so if you drink it too fast, you're in trouble. This is interesting 🤣〜! I'm looking forward to seeing how it changes after tomorrow. I heard that Ichinokura sparkling will be released after GW. I also got some new information. It's GW, but I've got something to look forward to.
The brewery's secret sake, only available one time a year. It's schmoozy, full of flavor, and pretty damn good! Purchased at Hakkoku Center.
