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116 Katsuyama, Maniwa, Okayama
map of Tsuji Honten
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alt 1
Okayama (岡山市)
Today is the 13th night of the month. I spent the whole day imagining drinking sake while watching the moon on this first day of a three-day weekend, and when I went shopping at a nearby supermarket in the evening, I asked my wife if I could buy some. I asked my wife if I could buy some sake when I went shopping at a nearby supermarket in the evening, and picked out a delicious one from the local sake section (honestly, I bought it on the spot) and chilled it in the refrigerator. I found out that the rice is out of standard, but it is polished to 50%, so it has just the right balance of unbalance and balance, and can be enjoyed without any snacks. This means it is perfect with both meat and fish. Sake is a very deep drink.