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和ごはん一献 丸屋

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和ごはん一献 丸屋
I had a little drink at a restaurant where I sometimes go for lunch hamo-tendon when hamo is in season. It was hot outside, but not sunny 🍶, so I heated it up. The first aroma is sweet with a hint of rice straw and grain. In the mouth, mild acidity is followed by mild rice flavor and sweetness with a hint of mirin and caramel. It is a completely different sake from the current trend, but this kind of sake is also good. When I was sipping it, it reminded me of the Asahi Kiku brewery surrounded by rice paddies and fields 😌. I have a lot of bias for memories 😂. It's also very cosy, about 2500 yen for a bottle. Maybe I'll buy a bottle when it gets cooler 🤔. It was delicious ✨🍶.