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You may know the face well as it is often sold in supermarkets. I am sure many of you know their faces. I am a specialist in this field. A specialist of this kind, or a professional... It's a cask of wine from the high street ✨ The price is also very nice. ☺️ Memorandum of Understanding Alcohol content: 15 Ingredients: Rice, domestic rice Koji, domestic rice Sake meter degree: +5 Rice Polishing Ratio: 70 Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I was allowed to visit Kiku-Masamune's "Barrel Factory" for the first time in a long while It has been a long time since I was allowed to visit the "Barrel Factory" of Kiku-Masamune. I was able to see the barrel craftsman's skillful workmanship ✨. Freshly made sake in freshly made barrels... We also got to see how the sake is stored! We immediately decided what to drink tonight! So we bought some at the brewery next door: ☺️ The aroma of Yoshino cedar at the moment of drinking is indescribably luxurious! The aroma of Yoshino cedar at the moment of drinking is indescribably luxurious! Of course, it has a dry taste unique to the sake's The crisp and refreshing taste is 👏⤴️ Reasonably priced, but inside is a gorgeous bottle of This is a gorgeous sake that is a "barrel" specialist ✨.
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I went to the Kikumasamune Storehouse Opening. I thought there would be a lot of people, but the entrance was well regulated and I was able to enter without crowding. I received a seal and entered. At the entrance, we were served sake (freshly brewed shiboritate), which was already delicious. I bought a ticket and was given a comparison of the Hyakumoku series, which I had not had yet. The Daiginjo and Ginjo were full, tasty, and easy to drink. Alt 3 is a blend of the two, so it has a nice aroma and the rice flavor is delicious. Cecillion is sweet, full and easy to drink. I enjoyed all of them. I look forward to drinking them again next year.
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Not for sale alcohol. Free tasting. 19-20% alcohol by volume. Other specs unknown. Probably alcoholic. Slightly sweet and fruity. Alcoholic and strong. Wish it was commercially available. The store was full of foreign tourists. Not unusual for me since I pass by there often and forgot to take a picture of the exterior 💦.