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Komagura特別純米 然特別純米
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Drinking out of the past Sushi 🍣 dinner with Big Boss and Super Ace Here's the second bottle of sake Dokurakura Tokubetsu Junmai Shikkaku Characterized by its light taste I was very drunk so I couldn't really taste the aroma💦. I guessed it was very slight... When you sip it, you will be surprised by the sweet flavor, then the bitterness, and then it will be over.... This is also a food wine that accompanies you. When I noticed it, it went down smoothly. According to a Google search, it is "a special junmai sake with a refreshing aroma made with Fukuoka Prefecture's Yamadanishiki sake rice and Daichi no Kiki. The label says it's junmai sake, but is this a special junmai sake? ⁉️ I guess there are some things you can't tell from the label...
Rafa papa
Hello Haruei Chichi 😃 Good sushi🍣 and good sake🍶 and even gochis😋I'm jealous 🤣I guess a good restaurant chooses the right sake to go with the food😊👍
Good evening, Rafa papa 🌇. Sushi 🍣 was the best 🍣 ❗️ Thank you so much for the food 😁. You're right, good restaurants seem to carefully select the sake that goes with their food👍.
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drinking out of the past Luxury Edition Oh, the food 😆. I went for a neighborhood drink with my neighbor's boss (aka Big Boss) who moved to Fukuoka from Kumamoto in April, and O-kun, a super ace from the same neighboring department. Big Boss himself, who always says "I only eat expensive and delicious food," made reservations at the sushi restaurant, so all the ingredients were fresh🍣🍣🍣🍣🍣. And look at this long serving plate! I'll make love to you! I was so full of food that my brain was repeating "Sushi kuii ne" by the Shibugaki-tai! Big Boss, Azusa: ‼️ Of course we drank beer 🍺 and sake 😁. I love you! I'll make love to you with chilled sake The aroma is of white grape. The sweetness and acidity is very mild, and the bitterness is gradually replaced by the bitterness, and the taste is very smooth and refreshing. I love the way it accompanies the food without interfering with it. It is a perfect match with many seafood dishes 👌 To put it in a more or less rough way, when you put a piece of sushi in your mouth and then pour it in as a chaser, you can't help but feel the "queue ‼️" feeling that permeates all of your internal organs👍.
Hi Chichi Paisen 😃. The sushi looks so good🤤‼️ Good sushi and good sake ✨I love it 😆.
Hi Chichi ☀️ Sushi looks so good, makes me want to go to Fukuoka 😁 I'm going to have mine chilled this weekend 😁.
Zeek Jikon junior, good evening 🌇. The sushi 🍣 was delicious by ❗️ We were served until we were full. ✌️ Sushi goes best with sake 👍
Good evening, kan-san 🌇. The marriage of sushi and sake is unbeatable 👍. Please come to Hakata again ❗️ I'll call the members! Oh, I'm just asking for 8/7 or later 😆.