ニーコHirotogawa純米 にごり純米にごり酒Matsuzaki ShuzotenFukushima4/15/2023, 10:52:02 PM4/15/2023Japanese Bar克外飲み部27ニーコOutside drinking Not too sweet as I expected. The taste of the rice is well done. I want to buy and drink it next year.Japanese>English
のりのりですBunpuku氷温四年熟成純米吟醸原酒生酒Bunbuku ShuzoGunma11/27/2020, 11:42:30 AMJapanese Bar克のりのりですHmm, you smell like n-butanol. Reminds me of a master's student.Japanese>English
のりのりですMusubitopure純米吟醸生酒中取りYanagisawa ShuzoGunma11/27/2020, 11:35:00 AMJapanese Bar克7のりのりですTasty nectar.Japanese>English