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Toshimaya Sake Brewery (豊島屋酒造)

13 Check-insSee more on Foursquare

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豊島屋酒造NEON (BLUE) 18純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
豊島屋酒造 Check-in 1豊島屋酒造 Check-in 2
Yamori's Sake Brewery This is Teshimaya Shuzo's sake! It has a NEON BLUE🦎 mark😅. It's only available at the brewery. We don't see it often at Sake no Wa. I bought it when I visited the brewery because I was curious about the Yamori. The brewer explained a lot about it to me and I enjoyed it! It's fresh, but with a strong flavor and a sweet and spicy taste. It's delicious😋 By the way, Yamori is not sold at the brewery, but they introduced me to a shop near the brewery. I bought Yamori there. Red Yamori was uploaded the other day Green Yamori will be uploaded later😊.
Okunokami仕込み二十四号 無調整純米
Okunokami Check-in 1
Okunokami Check-in 2Okunokami Check-in 3
Yakamori Okunokami Hiroshima Hachitanishiki I went to the Toshima-ya Sake Brewery the other day to try it😅. The people at the brewery were very happy to talk to us! I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's worth it. I'd like to thank you all for your support! No, no, it's delicious! From the gentle sweetness It has a good balance of aroma and flavor. As you can see from the rating it is very tasty 😊. A new brand purchased at Teshimaya Brewery? and I can't wait to try another bottle of Yamori! I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it'll be great. to the holy land😅.
