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Sato Takumi山田錦80純米
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Of course you all know ❗️ This sake is named after Mr. Ki Sato, the Nanbu Touji of Hato Masamune. Mr. Satoki Sato, the Nanbu Touji of Hato Masamune, is the name of this sake: ‼️ The moment I found it at the liquor store, I thought I was lucky and took it home immediately. I showed it to the remote mahjong player yesterday and he didn't know 🤣. What the hell 🤣 The first time I drank Sato Kiki was in college and I still remember thinking it was really good 🥺. Everyone, please drink more Sato's sake 😉. Almost no aroma, dare I say it? I dare say that you can feel the lactic acidity and the alcohol. It is about the same. The lactic acidity comes out from the firm umami that is typical of low-polished rice, and then the alcohol and light bitterness make it easy to drink 😋 delicious 😋. Good balance in spite of low milled rice 😳SATO KIKI, it's been a while but it's really good 😋. I had it with firefly squid with vinegared miso and it went great👍 Not that it matters, but I found a beer called "Drift Ice Draft" (picture 3)! What a blue beer 🟦! It tastes like a light, first-squeezed beer 🤣.
Hi Manachie, I saw this name at the liquor store yesterday. I saw this name at the liquor store yesterday, but it was Hato Masamune 😅I didn't go through with it 😆. Drift ice draft tastes normal unlike it looks 🤣.
Hi Manachie! I'm pretty sure he asked me while we were playing mahjong, but I think I just said "I don't know" 🤣. I wonder if they have it at the special Hato Chan store! I'll look for it 🕊.
Good evening, bouken🌆You remember Hato's toji's name now👍. The drift ice draft was a sight to behold🤣I have to admit I was pretty scared to drink it 😂.
Good evening, kino. I'd like you to start with Yamada-Nishiki or Hanafuki if you can 👍
Prince 🌟Manachy, good evening 😆. The label is cool ‼️, I can feel your Otoko (male) spirit. Sake with low milled rice is unique and delicious 😆.
Good evening, Mr. Manachie. When I saw it, I thought it was shochu. I remember drinking drift ice beer from Abashiri a few years ago, but it was expensive.
Good evening 😃 I didn't know there was such a thing ⁉️ I'm sorry to say that this is the first time I've seen it too 😥. I don't even see pigeon masamune very often to begin with🤣.
Good evening, Mr. Manachy! I'm so glad to see you here 😄 I didn't see it yesterday, but I don't know this one. 🤣 but it looks delicious and I would like to try it 😋 I will get it when I find it 😆👍
Good morning Comrade Manachy 😃. I guess Dove is not so well known yet 😅. I've never had that much of it either 👋 I'll look for it next time I'm in a store that carries it.
Good morning, Joe, who captivates elementary school boys. ☀️ If you search for his name, you'll find a picture of him, but he's a kind old man. ☺️ I believe he's just before 60 years old 😆 Low milling is interesting because it gives it a personality 😉.
Good morning, Nochi-san. ☀️ It's true that the label looks just like the shochu Sato 🤣I wonder if it's on purpose 🤣It's been this label for about 20 years 🏷. Drift Ice Draft didn't cost 300 yen 👍.
Good morning etorannzyu, I think almost no one knows about ☀️ lol! I'm sure there will be many more to come, so if you have any questions, please just take a look 🤣.
Good morning, MAJ. ☀️ Didn't I show you that one 😆 I was so busy playing mahjong that I forgot 🤣 I think MAJ would prefer Hato Masamune to Sato Kiki, but it's hard to find, so if you see it, you can give it a try👍.
Good morning Comrade Chichi ☀️ please drink and publicize us by all means 😆 We were up to 5th in the Aomori ranking in February and now we are down to 7th again 🤣.
Good morning, Manachie 😃. Not related to alcohol at all, but the house Manachie lives in looks like the kind of house rich people lived in the past 😎❗️ I wonder if Manachie is really a rich dilettante 😎.
Hi 3KAN4ON😃I'm not rich at all, but maybe a little bit different house 🤣. I want to be rich 💲I want to live without working and be soaked in motorcycles, camping and sake🤣.