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Daishinshu超辛口 純米吟醸
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At the end of January, I had a bottle of Daishinshu dry sake 😋 and I thought it was fruity and refreshing and I could drink it as much as I wanted 🤗. After that, I've had a variety of dry wines and I think I've built up my basic strength 😆This time I'm going to try a super dry one👍. I thought it might be a little too big 🤔 after having half of Nishibori's rich sweet flavor 😅😅 but that's Daishinshu's trustworthy and proven track record! I'll make love to you I'll make love to you! This is a fresh bottle with a subtle apple flavor, a good aroma, and a strong umami, and just like the dry one we had in January, it's delicious enough to drink as much as you want. I really like this kind of fruity and refreshing dry wine 🥹. I drank it all up in one gulp 😚 and when I had a few centimeters left, my rationale kicked in and I put the lid back on, but I drank a little too much that day 😓. We've been able to enjoy both sweet and spicy drinks recently 😄I think I'll try Kangiku, which I've been avoiding because of its sweetness.... And on Sunday when we met again, we opened the rest of Nishibori and killed the rest of Oshinshu in a blink of an eye 😋... but it's Sunday, so be careful not to drink too much... but we don't want to drink like this 😅. So we searched the fridge for the last bottle!
Good evening Jay & Nobby 🌆You've become a perfect alcoholic who can go for both sweet and dry 😆‼️If you can go for anything, you'll be in trouble at the liquor store when they ask you what you like 😂.
Good evening, Jay and Nobby. I also drank Zukudase today! I drank some sake from Shinshu 😁 Zukudase? I don't know what that means. I've been drinking too much sweet sake lately. I want to drink sweet again and I'm ready for anything 🤣. Alcoholic 😰!
Good evening Jay & Nobby, ❗️ Looks like you're getting to the point where dry is good 😊. I've been drinking a bit of classic sake lately when I get tired of the modern taste ❗️ In the end, I'm getting good with all kinds of sake 😅.
Jay and Nobby, good evening 🦉. I'm a sweet drinker and I also drank this very dry offal and it was delicious! Fruity refreshing is good too😊and now I'm drinking another Dai Shinshu... very happy it was the same brand. ❣️
Good morning, Jay & Nobby 😀 I see that you are drinking at a much higher pitch, is it a reaction to your period of sobriety ❓🤣. But I guess you can't help but drink when the alcohol is good 😀. I also drank my first Daishinshu at an event the other day!
Good morning, Jainobi! I'm getting a craving for the sparkling wine that comes out in the early summer 😁.
Rafa papa
Good morning Jay & Nobby 😃. I feel like I often drink too much when I open a new bottle of alcohol when I have leftovers 😁 I keep putting it off thinking I can drink it anytime even though Daishinshu is delicious too 😅.
Jay & Nobby, good morning 😃Ohshinshu, I met you for the first time the other day at a sake event and it was delicious 😋. I always pamper myself by saying 👍If you drink too much, it's ok if you're happy at that time😅.
Hi Manachy 😃. I'm working hard every day to be a perfect aracan alcoholic 😁😆. I have waves of tastes at the time... but too sweet you might be the worst 😅.
Hi Ao 😃 Your timing is right on with the Shinshu sake 🤗. We lived in Nagano for a few years and I don't think I've ever heard of it. I googled it and it looks like "zuke" is about guts or motivation 😊 anything is OK good.
Hi Chobin 😃 Yes, we are! We've been pushing dry lately 😋 we're also feeling the alternating waves of sweet and spicy 😄
Hi Pon 😃 Fruity & refreshing is good 🤗 maybe it can work especially if you drink outside 😋 We're glad to see you here in Daishinshu too 😊.
Hi Yasbay 😃 I may drink a little more in one day😅but I'm taking a break from Fri-Sat and Mon 🤗for fun and good drinks! I can't help it 😆.
Hi Harry 😃. I'd like to try the spewing Dai Shinshu Spark🧨 too 😋.
Hi Rafa papa😃! I don't know how much I drank when I open two bottles 😅I look at the amount I have left the next day and realize I drank it 😆.
Hi Wakata 😃. What a reassuring word! I'm going to write them down with my brush as a family motto 🤗I'm not a fan of overly sweet drinks 😅I love to be pampered 😆.