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酒楽 くらた商店
Tochigi Prefectural Association 2024 Spring 5 A bottle brought out by a teacher from the holy place Kurata 😊We were delighted! It was a re-finished kijo-zake made with more kijo-zake 🥹It was like a secret sake! I had a little bit of it and it was delicious with a hidden acidity in the rich sweetness 😋Tabun And as I'm sure many of you have already seen, Tsubu-chan has already uploaded a picture of Nanoha's handmade happi coat ‼️ which we named "Nanoha's happi" 😆 Isn't it amazing 😳? She showed us her handwriting skills when she participated in the first Kenmin-kai, but this was handwritten, too amazing 🥹. The names of Tochigi Prefecture's famous sake are written in one stroke without any drafts, and the snowman is also written in a cute way 🤗. I'm planning to sell this with J&N trainers as a bundle 💸. We also had a variety of other drinks, but I can't write them all down, so here's a summary of my impressions! Everything was delicious 😚. At this point, we parted ways with Mr. Posuke, Mr. Yukigetsu Hana Hoshi, Mr. Piro, and Mr. Kotori, and the rest of the members headed to the after-party 😄.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 After the brew, here comes another ridiculously awesome sake 😅. And the level of NANO happi is amazing 😀. I can feel how much you all love Tochigi's sake 😀.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby! I've never even seen a bottle of "Shinsei Yatagarasu" before and I'm amazed 😲. I'm also amazed at the quality of the happi, but you did a masterful job writing this in one shot 😁.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃 Purple Yatagata 😳 But Nana's happi is still great no matter how many times I see it: ☺️ I really think if you sell it to the Tochigi Sake Brewers Association, they would be happy to commercialize it or give you their permission to do so 🤔It's the kind of professionalism that should take money 😄.
Masaaki Sapporo
Hi Jay & Nobby! The lineup of Senkou brews, Shinmasa, and Tochigi Kenmin Kai is awesome ✨They just look delicious 😋But then again, you made the happi yourself, it looks like it was painted by a craftsman 👀.
Jay & Nobby Good evening (^o^) I have never seen this Shinsei (*_*), you really had a precious drink. And please sell it as a Happi and T-shirt set (lol) I'll buy it!
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😃Prefectural Association, I love it 💕Na no happi, really awesome and nice ❤️ I will definitely buy Jay Nobby's sweatshirt too! With a hug of course👍✨
Hey Yasubeyesan, it's me again 😃. This time we got a great one 🤩and "Nanohappy" is awesome 👍I want to show it off to the whole country as a representative of Tochigi prefecture 🤗.
Hi Jive 😃. It would be a surprise 🫢 if something like this came out! This empty bottle was brought back by Nanoha, the artist who created "Nanoha Happy" 🤗.
Hi Aladdin 😃 It was a surprise from the Holy Land 🥹 and happy to see you 🤗 I really want to get a J&N trainer overflowing with techniques that can take money too 😆.
Hi Masaaki Sapporo😃 Not always 😅This time there were more specials 🤗I'm sure they were delicious 👍Na no Happy! Great handiwork 😊.
Hi Sashi 😃 I actually don't remember much of what I drank because it was so precious 😆 Happi, T-shirt & sweatshirt! I think I'll place an order 😁One customer is a definite 🤗.
Hi Wakata 😃 It was a fun prefectures meeting - ☺️ "If you drink 🍶 sake in this happi coat 😋 everyone will be happy! I'm going to wear my J&N sweatshirt and sell it with the phrase "Happy 😋" 😆.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby☆(*´ч`*) I like Yatagarasu. King of noble sake, isn't it? I've never even seen one so I'm jealous 😌. ....nah happy is too awesome too 😲.
Good evening, Mr. Shiri 😃. We learned later how much we appreciate this 😅I actually don't even remember drinking it much 😆. But still....isn't it great to be happy? This is something you can only see at a prefects meeting 😆.
Handmade! Seriously 💦. This scared the crap out of me, J & Nobby! And Nanoha-san 😳 I thought Uzzi had taken the lead in putting out the original goods for the prefecture.... (I'll ask for some sake-run goods next time 🫶)
Hello, Mr. Sakeran 😃. I think you should sell your "Nana's Happy" 🤗 Maybe you should sell it to Ussuri 😁. I'll have to ask J&N's intermediary 💸, but 🤑, I'll ask Dr. Nanoha 😁.