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AramasaNo.6 Xmas-type
しぇり〜Happy Christmas🎄 We will drink a lot of Shinmasa in December 🙂! This is the 5th one! No.6 Xmas-type This is the only sake I can think of for Christmas 😆. It's a limited time edition of the "No.6" series 🎅It's bottled just in time to be ready to drink at Christmas time. Sparling and very festive like Christmas ✨. The bottle is now green, but I daresay the design is the same as last year's. I'm glad I managed to get it again this year. Last year's No.6 X-mas-type was definitely one of the tops 3 tastiest sakes I had in 2022. Not sure about this year... The bottle is open! It didn't take that long to open the bottle for a sparkling Niimasa. It smells elegant 😌 It tastes apple-like with a tangy gasiness that is typical of sparkling. A little less sweet but well balanced with acidity and a slight bitterness at the end. Maybe more acidic than last year's 🙄 I forget 😅. I had a delicious Xmas-type again this year! Maybe the best I've tasted all year 😆.
KazKazGood evening, Shieri 🌙😃❗❗ Merry Christmas 🎄🎅🎁✨ I knew this is the one for tonight 😃⤴️😃 Sasuga here ✨
しぇり〜Merry Christmas, KazKaz🎅! I think you and KazKaz have the same tastes.
kino.Merry Christmas 🎄🎅🎅✨, Shiri! Your bottle is glowing ✨ I'm actually GETTING mine... haven't been able to get it to the liquor store yet🤣.
たっく0103Shieri~Merry Xmas 🎄Looks so good to see ✨🤤.
しぇり〜kino., I shined the light on the bottle and made it shine ✨I had a hard time getting this year's Xmas-type 💦 I managed to get it, but kino. is as good as it gets! Hm! I didn't go to get it 🤣.
しぇり〜Takku0103, Merry Christmas🎄! It was so delicious 🙂 but I don't think it will be possible next year😅.
遥瑛チチMerry Christmas, Shieri 🎄! I'm so proud of you for what you're getting! That's amazing ‼️ I'm glad you had a great finish this year too, and I must be satisfied just to be able to drink outside too 😁.
ymdazShiri~, Merry Christmas✨🛎️ I'm so glad you got it safely 😊. It was worth all the hard work to be the first one this year 🎅. I'll make love to you from 🎅🎁.
ジェイ&ノビィGood morning, Shieri 😃! It's great that you got it right with your declaration of drinking Shinsei ❗️ 👏I'd like to drink it this year 😍6th home drinking! I hope I can do it next year 😌.
しぇり〜Merry Christmas🎄, Haruei Chichi! This time I bought it through a different route than usual. I definitely want to drink Xmas-type for Christmas 😌 It was delicious this year too. But next year I might try something different 🙄.
しぇり〜ymdaz, I was relieved that I managed to get it this year after a lot of hard work. It tastes great when you drink it 😆 I'm glad I worked hard for it. It was the best Christmas present 🎅.
しぇり〜Jay & Nobby, December is the month to drink all the Shinmasa I want 😁 My number one goal was to drink Xmas-type for Christmas! Next year, I would like to enjoy sake life by discovering new delicious sake other than Shinmasa.
こぞうSame time, Mr. Shieri. Good morning. You're not bluffing at all 😍 You are indeed an alamasanist! It's been a good Christmas 😍
ポンちゃんShiri~, a day late Merry Xmas🎅🎄! It's really great that you can prepare this bottle without a doubt ‼️ I hope the taste is worth all the hard work 😊.
マルHi Sheri, ☀️ The bottle is divine✨It's a perfect bottle for the Holy Night! 👍 It's a superbly good sake with an unrivaled first attack impact 😋.
しぇり〜I'm an aramasist, so I definitely wanted to drink Xmas-type for Christmas, but once I get into it, it's hard to get out, so next year I'd like to broaden my horizons and drink more different kinds of alcohol.
しぇり〜Pon-chan , Merry Christmas🎄! It was especially hard to get this year 💦The Christmas bottle is one of my favorite sakes from Shinsei 🙂 It was delicious again this year.
しぇり〜Good evening, Maru🙂. Xmas-type is an alcoholic beverage that was born just for Christmas 🎄It's an exciting piece from the packaging! It tastes so good too 😂 I had the best holy night ever.
I know I'm late, but Merry Xmas🤗! This bottle of Shinsei Christmas edition is so nice ‼️ I was thrilled to drink 6 Christmas editions last year for the first time, but this one looks delicious even with the sourness and bitterness 😆👍!
しぇり〜Masa, Shinsei's limited edition sake always delights me with its appearance 👀✨The Christmas version is especially dreamy 🎄and of course it tasted great 😆 I hope to find a sake I like more than Shinsei next year!