SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Daishinshu手の内 生純米吟醸
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When Tomo-san came to Osaka last year, I enjoyed the hi-iri sake I had at Yamacho, and I wanted to have a draft at home. Purchased at Takimoto Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol 16%. Fruity aroma like sweet apples Chilli, fruity flavor with a soft sweetness. Umami and a slight bitterness Fresh and refreshing taste. Pungent and can be served with a meal. On the second day, the sweetness increases, with a sweet 🍎 flavor and umami. The bitterness is almost gone and the spiciness finishes it off. Fruity, drinkable and delicious! This day was my favorite: ❣️ On the 3rd day, even sweeter and more like honey! On the 4th day, everything settles down and the taste is round! Te-nouchi" means "to give form to all of one's skills" in Japanese. The taste was mellow and deep ✨. The third picture is a snack from the recipe book, which is a slightly modified version of the yakitori can! Put O✕2 cans of yakitori with the sauce in a small saucepan, add a pinch of grated garlic and 1 tablespoon of water and heat. Bring to a simmer, give it a stir and serve with green onions and shichimi (seven spice flavors). I forgot the green onions💦. It's a pain in the ass to wash, but it makes it look a bit like stew 😁.
Good evening, Pon. 😊 I'm sure you can arrange the yakitori can in various ways. I'm sure you can do it and broaden your range. 😂. I'll try to make it next time. I'll try to make it next time 😋.
Hi Pon, 😃I'll try your yakitori can arrangement 👍The plate and serving style is stylish💕I remember tasting it in Dai-Shinshu, traveling saké, and it was delicious. It's raw in the hand, I remember 😁.
Good evening, Pon-chan😄 Daishinshu, one of the sake I would like to drink ❣️ I'm intrigued by your review 💕😋. It has a deep taste 😁 best word👍.
Good evening, Pon-chan 😃. I liked how you served the Dai-Shinshu Teuchi, it looks like you put a lot of time and effort into it, but you didn't snub your nose at it. ☺️ It still looks very tasty 🤤. Of course, I'm also interested in the yakitori can arrangement 🐔.
Hi Pon, good evening here too. I'm very interested in your review of Nagano's sake ✨. Canned goods also make great snacks if you add a little something extra 😊.
Good evening, Ponchan 😃. Ohshinshu-san! You're so graceful to show your hand so casually 😁We only drink dry and big dry 😅I'd like to see what you've got 🤗. And the transformation from canned to canned! This one looks delicious too 😋😋.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌛. I'm planning to visit the Daishinshu Brewery this summer 😁. When I see recipes for canned food arrangements in camping comics, I want to copy them 😋.
Pon. Good morning! I've had the Dai-Shinshu Teuchi no Bessatsurai, but it seems to taste a little different 😅It's relatively easy to buy, so I'd like to try this one too... Thanks for arranging the yakitori cans...
Hanapin, thanks for your help here too 😊. Canned yakitori, yes, it looks like it will come out! It's also reasonably priced so it's easy to try 😁I'll google it and try to make something else 😁.
Hi Waka-chan 🐦. I enjoyed the super-harsh Jungin that Waka ordered for me at the offline meeting in March. ❣️ I was scared of super-harsh, but it was fruity and easy to drink with a crisp aftertaste 😊 I would like to drink this at home too!
Hi T.KISO 🐦. The name "Teuchi" got me 🤣 and by the way, I'd love to drink "Tei Tappai" but it's too expensive 😂. The hi-iri is delicious too, so if you come across it, please let me know 😊.
Hi Aladdin 🐦. I'm impressed that you know the origin of how it got this name ✨I thought it must be carefully made as it tastes great from freshly opened to day 4 😊I wonder if we can have a "hand full" somewhere too 😁.
Thank you again, ma-ki-! I was wondering what it tasted like when I came across it while out drinking 💦Thanks to Sake no Wake 🙏.
Hi Jay & Nobby 🐦. 10 zabuton! You're not supposed to show your "hand" but you did 😆 I drank a very dry sake out of it, but I guess it's thicker than that 🤔Dry sake is also delicious ❣️
Hi Gyve 🐦. You finally made it to Shinshu ‼️ Gyive you are a man of action so I'm sure you'll get around 😆👍Matsumoto is great as there are many places to see and eat and drink 😊🙏 I look forward to your sake brewery report 😊🙏.
Thanks again for this one, Kozo 😊. I'd like to try the Bespoke ❣️ but I haven't seen it in liquor store information 😢 I just hope they carry it 🙏. My husband is appalled because I don't miss any snacks for sake 🤣.