SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Last Saturday. We both walked in the morning in preparation for the Dodgers game 🏟️, which aired at 11:00 that day! After a good sweat 💦 shower 🚿 and getting ready, we watched the game on TV in an air-conditioned room ⚾️ But, Otani, whose birthday it was on that day, didn't make a sound and the team lost badly 😩. I needed a change of pace! We went on a tour of the neighborhood liquor stores in search of the Mutsu Hachisen Dobrok that we wanted to drink‼️ and luckily we got what we were looking for at the second store👍, but we decided to get carried away and visit another new liquor store 🚙. We went to Kikuchi Sake Shop in Oyamachi, which Nobby found a while ago and Ars-san introduced us to 🤗. The third picture is the harvest from our three stops that day 🍶We were already in a good mood after a good shopping trip 😊. So I opened a bottle of Amataka Spark that I bought at the new liquor store 🎵. Carefully and safely open the bottle 😊 You can see the top clear liquid! The bubbles poured into a Riedel glass and I'm going to make love to you! I love the slightly fizzy carbonation and the gentle mouthfeel that makes it hard to believe that it's 15% ☺️ refreshing and dry 😚. I moved the bottle a little and the automatic ori dance started 💃! Winter scenery in summer is nice too 😌. And when the oli is mixed in, the bitterness increases and it's also very bitter 👍It was a blink-and-you'll-miss-it taste 😋. I found a good liquor store! I love Tochigi 🥰!
Good evening, Jay & Nobby. I'm so jealous that you get to top it off with a sparkling ✨. Is there a way to open it 💧? It sounds like you're going to have an even more fulfilling drinking life now that you've opened up a new liquor store 🎵.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby 🌞I've been to Kikuchi Sake Shop a couple of times myself 😆 The store looks really stylish ‼️ It's the time of year when summer sake is in full bloom. ☺️
Mr. Jay & Mrs. Nobby Good morning... Isn't it rare to have a sparring session with niggles? It was well opened and to the top 🤤Thanks for the sake shop expedition! I'm going to Nagoya next week, so I'll check out the liquor store 🤔.
Jay & Nobby, good morning 🌙 refreshing dry shuwa shuwa, looks delicious 🤤. It's fun to explore new liquor stores 🥳I'm a little nervous and fidgety going in 🤣Manachie, you're right, summer sake is spectacular 🎐✨.
Jay & Nobby, good evening 🌛Tentaka, my favorite brand and active nigori! I'd like to try this one 🥰I'll visit the liquor store in Oya!
Good evening, ma-ki 😃. No, I just opened the bottle with a lot of trepidation 😁 I poured it well 🤗New liquor store was dark under the lights😅 but had a good selection: ‼️
Good evening, Mr. Manachy 😃. Quirky! You really know your stuff ‼️ so yes it's a beautiful place 🤗 Summer Sake Glitter ✨ is all here 🤩.
Good evening, Kozo 😃. Ori is like Mida's Spark 😊I'm glad you could successfully open the bottle 🤗It's fun to visit liquor stores 😁.
Good evening, Kotaro 😃. Refreshing dry sparks are our favorite 😋It was a quiet liquor store, but we enjoyed some drinks that you can't buy anywhere else 🤗The fridge is sparkling✨!
Good evening, Mamio 😃. Here is a good place to go in summer 🤗. Kikuchi-san has Yuho, Abekan, and also Jukyu, you should go there once 😊.
Jay & Nobby Good evening (^o^) I'm glad you were able to explore a new liquor store 😄The Ten-Taka Sparring looks delicious. And you got the summer dobrokku, didn't you? Looking forward to your review 😄.
Hi Sashi 😃. I enjoy exploring liquor stores😊Yes! I got what I was looking for 👍I'm really looking forward to it🤗
Hi Jay & Nobby 🐦. It's exciting to meet you liquor store 🎶the number of bottles speaks for itself 😆Tentaka, but also figure and Houou Mida, there are a lot of things I'm interested in 😻
Good evening, Pon 😃. It was a liquor store near me, but I decided to revisit because I found something not sold anywhere else 🤗I focused on Tochigi sake first 😄.
Jay & Nobby, good evening😄You stocked up a lot. I enjoy visiting liquor stores so much that I always end up buying a few bottles at each store I go to 😅 We have a dobrok at home and I'm looking forward to seeing what you two think of it 😊.
Hello, Wakata 😃. Yes, I know, I'm not sure I can go into a liquor store and leave empty-handed in the first place 😅! I don't think I can go into a liquor store in the first place and leave empty handed 😅 We'll be working separately this weekend J&N, so Dobrock might be a little while away 🥲I can't wait to have a drink 🥹.