SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Inamuraya Check-in 1Inamuraya Check-in 2
I went to a liquor store the other day and decided to mainly buy sake that I usually see but never drink ❗Inamuraya is new to me 🔰I tend to focus on Tasake, Toyobai, Hachisen and Hatochan for Aomori sake, so I wanted to try other Aomori sake 😊. Poured it into a glass and it's amber ✨I drank it and the Junmai flavor came through and there was a long lingering bitterness ❗It's a beautiful classic taste that might be hard to get into for sake beginners 😅The flavor increased as the temperature went up 🎵It was just right because sometimes I want to drink this kind of sake 😋. The fisherman gave us a lot of scallops this time and we boiled them right away to enjoy the taste of the ingredients 😆. Tomorrow I will make miso soup, which is also delicious with the broth 🤤.
Good evening, Mr. King of Noodles and Sake! I'm sure there are some drinks in the prefecture that I haven't tried yet, so I'll try to drink them when the time is right ✨. Even if it's a young scallop, it's still a beautiful scallop 😊.
Good evening, Mr. King of Noodles and Sake ^ ^ I think the classical taste would be a better match for this kind of appetizer 👍 Inamuraya, first review of Sake-no-wa?
Good evening Noodle-chan 🌆You buy the kind you can only find in your hometown 😳 Izakaya Shinkansen introduced Kikunoi here 😆 I don't think I can find it for sale in Ibaraki 🤣.
Good evening, Mr. Noodle Sake King 🌙 Sake that I usually don't go through, I'm planning to drink something like that this summer too😊I just don't know, maybe there's a sake that tastes the way you like it 😆. The scallop fry looks delicious again 💕
Good morning, Gyve 😃. Every time I go to a liquor store, I always have a target in mind, but I tend to want this or that in the store and end up not getting the liquor I want 😅I'm so indecisive that if I don't make a firm decision, I may end up going through the store forever 😰.
Good morning, Manta 😃. As you said, it was the best match for scallops 🎵It seems to go better with boiled seafood and oden than sashimi 🍢. I did have to do a proper search to find the name of the brewery, so this may be my first post!
Good morning, Manachie 😃. I feel grateful to have access to sake that I can only find in my hometown ✨I wonder if Kikunoi is the main brand ❗I still have a lot of sake I would like to try 😉.
Rafa papa
Good morning, Noodle Sake King 😃 I've been trying to drink some sake lately that I tend to pass up because I think I can drink it anytime 😊 liquor stores are getting a little bored with all the summer sake so I'll try it now... 😁
Good morning, Pon-chan 😃. I'm sure you'll find something new and unexpected in the through sake ❗I'm sure you'll find something you like ❗I'm sure you'll find something new and unexpected 😁It must be twice as tasty when you find something new 😆.
Good morning, Rafa papa! I see ❗I see 🎵I will call it that from now on too😊You are right, although each brewery has its own personality, I get bored if the concept of seasonal sake is similar 😅.
Hello my noodle wine king brethren 😃. I don't think I've even seen Inamuraya around... I see it's a classic type... And the boiled scallops look delicious ❗️ Miso soup the next day is also good👍.
Hi there, Noodle Sake King 😃. Great activity ❗️ to put the spotlight 💡 on alcohol, which is usually overlooked 👍. Even in the corporate community, we should cherish those who don't stand out but always do well 🤗.
Good evening, Mr. Noodle Sake King! Actually, one of the bottles I popped yesterday was Inamuraya 😅I'm looking forward to receiving it. It's not famous, but it should be rather common in Aomori's local sake shops, and I'm surprised there's no brand registration 😳.
Good evening, Brother Haruei Chichi 😃. I've never seen it outside of my favorite liquor store ❗This Tokujun seemed classic to me, but if you look into it, there are many different Inamuraya's, so I think it would be an interesting sake 😊.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😃. Thank you for your compliments 🙇 Someone who is discrete and solid in the company, maybe you are talking about me! I am responsible, honest, hard-headed and serious 😜.
Good evening, Mr. Kab 😃. I found some people drinking Inamuraya in the Kikunoi post ❗It is distributed mainly in Aomori, my hometown! I'm sure there are similar sake in my area, but it's romantic to be able to come across it and drink it!