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Rafa papaRafa papa
Kawanakajima純米 にごり酒純米にごり酒
Kawanakajima Check-in 1Kawanakajima Check-in 2
Kawanakajima Check-in 3Kawanakajima Check-in 4
Rafa papa
Kawanakajima Junmai Nigori Sake A lively season for nigori reviews: ⛄️ I was very late to the party💦. Finally the first nigori of the season: ✌️ Not the most popular nigori, but the most popular on the high street 👑. What a surprise, more than 60% of the bottle is lees... 😳 This is "THE NIGORI" 🤣! Genshu Mai" is a popular sake from Chikurano... This sake has gained overwhelming local support. In fact, it accounts for 30% of the brewery's shipments. You don't have to drink it now 😅 I'd be a natural to drink it now 😁. From the supernatant... Slight sweetness... Switching from strong acidity to bitterness Both acidity and bitterness have a strong impact 😳 When the lees are mixed, the expression changes completely... The sweetness increases and becomes gentle and round 😊. The mouthfeel is as smooth as it looks. The lees is very silky and refreshing 😌. I heard they carefully strain the mash... The sweetness and umami of the rice can be felt while the lactic acidity cuts through nicely ✨. This is delicious 🤤. Nigori... a good start!
Good morning Rafa papa 😁. It's nigori season 😁 I haven't had nigori yet 😰 I saw Kawanakajima's nigori for the first time 👀. Looks delicious 😋. I'm going to try some too 😁.
Mr. Rafa Good morning ☀️ I'm holding off on this one too 😁. It accounts for 30% of the shipments - that's for sure! I saw it everywhere when I traveled to Nagano 🤣. I'm looking forward to drinking it!
Good morning Rafa papa 😃 I've been wanting to try this one, so it was a great reference for me 😊I can't find Genmai or Kawanakajima in my environment, I'll have to look for them again 🤔.
Hi Rafa, hello ☀️ That's a great muddy ‼️ 60% of the bottle, the 4th picture looks like doburoku 😳. A nigori start in a carefully crafted gem, that's great👍.
Hi Rafa! This drink looks amazingly delicious! I can see from the picture that it's toasty ❣️ It also looks delicious warmed up 😊.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 Have you finally started this season's nigori sake? I'm still on the lightly cloudy side, so I'd like to try some more cloudy sakes soon 😀.
Rafa papa
Ao, good evening 😃 Ao, you were late to the party too Nigori 🥲 but you have a stash of that stuff 🤣 there are so many out there, you'll want to try different ones 😌.
Rafa papa
Good evening Choroki 😃 Do you keep some in the fridge 😳⁉️ you have a good eye 🤣It's not the trendy modern nigori, but it's a great drink 😋 so soak it up 🤣.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Aladdin 😃. Did you check out 😳⁉️If you are looking for a nigori-sto 👍Drooling rich but with a clean aftertaste ✨It can be enjoyed on its own or with a meal 🆗😌Wada Sake Shop is relatively close 😊Check the web for Genmai too... 😁
Rafa papa
Hi Maru, good evening 😃. As you said, it's more of a dobrok rather than the nigori that's all the rage these days😁No...it's exactly a dobrok🤣just the lees are silky smooth and easy to drink 😋that's the key to its deliciousness 😌.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Ponchan 😃. The lees are very silky so it's a true torori sake 😌It's easy to drink because of its sharpness and I'm sure it would be delicious warmed up because of its acidity 😋I have a bottle so I'll try it 🤣.
Rafa papa
ヤスベェさん こんばんは😃 おりがらみは幾つか飲んでますがにごりは今シーズンお初です😊折角なので思いっきり "にごり" に振り切ってみました🤣そろそろ瓶の中で澱が踊る活きが良いにごりが飲みたいです😁
Good morning Rafa 🌄✨ Yes, the ministry of sole ministry! I haven't come across any silky nigori sake lately! And I didn't know it was that famous, it was completely new to me. I want to drink it!
Rafa papa
Good morning, sake-run 😃. I thought it tasted like something you would like while drinking it Mr. Sakélan 😁 I got the distinctive bitter aftertaste on the second day 😅I'm going to try the heated sake recommended by Pon-chan 😌.