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株式会社 松仙
The other day, after reading J&N's post, I really wanted to drink Ippo Mi's nigori, so I went to a liquor store in Sakai 🤣. But unfortunately, they only had one bottle of nigori 🥲. Unfortunately, they only had one bottle of nigori 🥲... so I decided to go with a bottle of sumizake 😀. Today I opened a bottle of this Sumimi-shu, which is a well-balanced sake with a solid umami and some sweetness. 🙆‍♂️ As a nigori lover, I would definitely like to try a nigori of Ippodo myself someday 😇. Today, I visited 2 temples deep in the mountains of Kawachinagano city in the south of Osaka, but I had an accident that I got lost on the way 😅. However, at the end of the tour, we went to Amano Sake brewery in Kawachinagano and bought a limited edition light nigori, sake lees cider, and a side dish made with sake lees 😇.
Mr. Yasube. Good evening! I know what you mean! I asked the liquor store I frequent too, but they don't carry it 😱. I wonder if I can get it on a long trip 🤔. 23 kilometers is more than just a stroll 😁.
Good evening, Yasube-san 🌒. It's Shosen in Sakai, isn't it? As usual, the range of activities of the sake activity is wide! Did you leave your backpack and enter the fridge❓🤣.
Rafa papa
Good evening Mr. Yasbay 😃. Matsusen you also put your one step self 😳⁉️ I need to get Maru to show me around soon 😳You walked 23km...not something a normal person would do 🤣.
Yasbay konbanhasan (o´o)n~~~ I've been wanting to try it for quite a while now but couldn't find a distributor 🥺. I might have to go super far to buy it💦.
Good morning, Yasube 😃. We learned from Mamio, the Ippo-self ambassador 🤗 Sorry to hear about the Aper😫 nigori 🥲 but Junmai is also delicious...I want to drink it raw!
Hello, kozou-san 😀 I thought Ippoumi was the sake I wanted to get, even if I had to go a long way 😀. I was actually planning to go about 15 km, but I had an accident on the way and had to walk quite a bit extra 😅.
Hi Maru 😀 When I go to Matsusen in Sakai, I decide in advance what sake I'm going to buy and it's in the fridge in the store, so I've never been in the fridge in the back 🤣. This time my mom tried to find it for me, but I gave up because it was a bottle 😅.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 Shosen has a different assortment of products than other stores, so it's interesting 😀. I always use my GPS app when hiking in the mountains, but the road is closed on the way 🥲. papa's GPS is more accurate😇
Hi Eririn-san 😀 I thought it would be easier for Eririn to get this sake since it's from Fukushima Prefecture😅. Even in Kansai, this is the only store I know of that has it, so I had to go far to get it 🤣.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 That's how the news of sake spreads in the sakewa world😇! This sake was very good and I hope to get the nigori next time I have the chance 🙆‍♂️
Good evening, Yasubeyesan ⭐I see there are not many stores in Kansai that carry Ippoumi 😭I recently decided to buy a bottle of Ippoumi 🤣I never get tired of drinking it and it's easy on the wallet 💕I'm also looking forward to reading your report of the light nigori!
Good evening, Mamio 😀 Mamio-san information came around and I was able to enjoy some good sake too... thank you 🙏. I'll have to wait until the Yongo bottles as the Hana Yuu is in the fridge and can't take up any more space 🤣.
Good evening, Yasube-san. I see that you were able to buy a bottle of Ippo Mi's Nama sake! That's too lucky👍I hope you will meet the light nigorigo too😊I laughed at Mamio's declaration of a bottle of sake. What kind of resolution is that 🤣.
Good morning Yasubey 😁. Ippeppo-self I have an image of Hirupeko-san drinking well! I see you couldn't buy nigori 😭 I saw Yasubeyesan J&N's post and I also went to buy 🏃 no nigori 😭 I'm waiting to buy another Ippouki 😊.
Hi Hirupeko 😀 I went there with the intention of buying nigori, so I was a little disappointed when I left with this sake, but I was surprised at how good it tasted 🤣. Thanks to the sake cellar, I will be able to buy a bottle of Nigori next time 😇!
Hi Ao 😀 I see that you also went to buy Ippouki after reading your post 🤣. Like me, I was disappointed that I couldn't buy the nigori, but I think all of the Ippouki is probably delicious 😇