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Kawanakajima Genbu幻舞 雄町純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 1
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 2Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 3
Kimmon to Yamada, then Omachi, right? So that leaves Aizan as the target! I'm starting to get excited, it's just like playing Mon-Han! Dewa immediately! Highly gorgeous & sweet sugi! The category is "Daeha" which is equal to or better than Kinmon-nishiki! All sake rice is sweet at the top! Among them, this Omachi "I can't stop the sweetness!" It's so sweet! As a matter of fact, one of the legendary "Sana D" also drank it the other day (6/27), and he was almost satisfied with it from the attack to the end. He said that he was almost linked with Naruto from the attack to the end of the drink. I have the same impression as him. The sweetness consistently overpowers the oropharynx, and the taste is flat and monotonous in any way. The Ichio flavor itself is linear and clear, from the ginjo aroma with a thin layer of rumen on the outer edge to the clear red apple ........., but this all changes when the ministry goes up to the cold belt. The cold ministry is the best ministry. Cold hatto ministry (?) It's a very delicious and intense ministry! Usually, when sake is served cold, the thickness, acidity, or sweetness of the sake increases, and the weight of the sake is inevitably heavier than it would otherwise be. ZeroGravity Omachi! The texture is so smooth on the tongue that it is almost as if to say "ZeroGravity Omachi! The aroma of this sake is completely different from that of cold sake. ......... Oh ......💧 I'm at 500 words! See you next week 👋
Hello Mr. Sakeran😃Genmai's Omachi sounds really delicious 😆 I'd like to try it 😆. I see you put the name Sakeran in the sake cup. ‼️ It's nice that it looks like my sake cup 🥰.
Hello, Mr. Sakeran! [It's not "let's go hunting", it's "let's have a drink" 😁. I'd like to experience the sweetness that never stops ringing 😆.
Hi, Sakaeran 😃. I'm at 500 words 🥲I know what you mean 🤗I think this fine word limit will improve my writing skills 😆. I think you are a bit of a convoluted flavor, while we are mainly just chatting 😁.
Good evening, Mr. Sakaeran😄! Oops! Yumachi here we come〰︎❣️ And it's sweet ‼️ but it's best cold 😊👍 I don't know if you have any Omachi. I have last year's Aizan 🤣.
Manachy thank you every time 👋 That's right 😁! I was so excited that I ended up putting my name on it! But the sake cup itself is just a stainless steel one 😅.
Hi Gyve! To be honest, I wouldn't recommend drinking it cold 💧. I think it might be even better if it were warmed up! (By the way, I haven't touched Monhan since the original 😅)
Hello J & Nobby~! I bark every time "500 is not enough for my ministry!" 😇, yeah! I vote that we can work out because of this fine limiter as you said!
Oh? Tsubu-chan! I'll hide the fact that the next Up is the sake that Tsubu-chan taught me! (Not the same as the one you just posted...)
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran! It is amazing that you are able to taste the taste of sake that is said to be delicious and how it changes to your liking ✨The writing style does not feel like 500 words 👍And I like this boar's mouth ❣️
Hi Pon-chan 👋! Pon-chan is also tasting the progress of the day, which I think is rare 😇☝(I tend to skip it 💧). Just because it's delicious doesn't mean you have to be careful with the pace 💧💧.
Good morning, Sakeran 😁. I was looking forward to your comment when I drank it the other day and was wondering how you rated it 😁. I was looking forward to seeing how you would rate it 😁 I was looking forward to seeing how you would rate it after the dry rating. I'll try to compare it with cold and cold sake today 😁😁. I will also compare cold and cold sake today 👌😁😁.
Hi Ao! I was surprised to see so many other people drinking at the same time as you! And the cold sake was surprisingly sweet 😅.
Hello, Mr. Sakeran I see, I see, that's what you meant: ❗️ Interesting assessment, and I was intrigued. I wanted to wait for your post before drinking again.
Hello, Sana D! I guess that ZeroGravity feeling is one of the characteristics of Yumachi! I was really surprised😇☝.
Hello, Sake Run 😃. You are drinking extravagantly ❗️ I haven't been able to drink at all lately, so I'm glad to see you here. I'm still sober though 😆.
Chichi, what's ...... doing here? You were in the middle of sobriety, weren't you? There are so many people in the Sake no Wa area that I'm getting impatient ......💧. I wonder if I should get myself checked 🤔?