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Goninmusumeむすひ 無農薬発芽玄米100%
Goninmusume Check-in 1
Goninmusume Check-in 2Goninmusume Check-in 3
Oops💦. This time "Sake-no-wa Kansai Branch Grand Real Off-line Meeting All the Updates of the drinks we drank at the All the drinks we drank at the party were uploaded to other members. I was going to leave all the uploading of the sakes I drank at the "Sakénawa Kansai Branch Grand Off-line Meeting" to the other members, but I guess I have to review the sakes I brought by myself, right? So, here is one of Japan's most famous "Kiwamono Sake"! We do not reject those who come, and we do not chase those who go. From the Terada Brewery, a right-leaning brewery that lives up to its motto, "Don't be shy, don't be shy, don't be shy! First of all, it tastes like a milkshake. However, the actual taste is Grapefruit without sweetness. As someone mentioned above, and as many others have said, the majority of the taste was pickles or pickles. I brought my own bottle of grapefruit, but it was clearly unique among the 20 bottles brought by each of us, and to be honest, I couldn't grasp the situation, the marriage, and whether it was to be enjoyed by itself. Next time, I would like to explore the essence of this sake a little more deeply and carefully, so I will drink it at home. ............ PS I could drink more than Daigo series.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeoran 🌙😃❗Ehh I liked the type of ❤️ it looks like it's good for you 😁💨💨 I would like to try it lukewarm and with dried fruit chocolate 😃💡✨
!? 💦 Well, ♕HotSakeQueen♕💧. I'm so glad you could show us the pairings 💧. Thank you so much😇✌️
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran. I was happy to be able to drink Musuhi 😆 Personally, I regret that I could not taste it carefully all the way to the bottom like you did 🤔Thank you for your hard work at the offline meeting!
Thank you very much for the meeting 😊. It was the drink that impressed me the most 🤣Sakeelan's homemade pork with magic powder went well with it👍Thank you for the food 😊🙏.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran😃. I'm confident that I won't be covered by the noodles at the Chuin 0th meeting....and the right corner of my mouth was up🤣Here we go... 😁That was interesting in a realm I can't experience myself 🤣It was unexpectedly tasty 😋.
Good evening, sake orchid! I must have drunk it after the middle of the day when I was quite drunk, but I clearly remember whether it was the vividness of the taste or the impact of the presentation 😳I like this kind of orchid wine 😊I look forward to the next opportunity 😁.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 😁. It certainly had a good vibe for the body like you said, pyonpyon 🤗 natural food-like 🌍. Daigo has a harder smell but it's sweeter so it's hard to say which is better 🤔.
Hi Hirupeco 👋! What a ReTry declaration😳? Well, the SAKE girls in the area are strong 💧. I'm sorry for your loss. ←I'm sorry.
Hi Pon-chan 👋 In case you were wondering, "Matsuo" is in the list of the most impressive sake this time (hmmm ✨). That glamorous body that you can't believe it's highly refined. It was delicious~!
Heh heh! I'm sure you'll like it. I was confident that we wouldn't have any similarities, but I was surprised to find that there are more people who like it than I thought, starting with Rafa.
Thank you bou for your time 👋 Natural food ministry Yes, that's right! I guess so.... So, that means Let's go to a commercial where we wear tank tops and yell on a rock face, "Fight! and we'll be in a commercial where we wear tank tops and yell on rocky surfaces together ✌.
Good evening, Aladdin! I was rallying with everyone on line usually, and there was a friendliness and style that made me feel like I was meeting you for the first time! 😇 I'm not much of a car person, but I hope you'll continue to encourage me in many ways! ✌🌟🌟
Mr. Sakaeran, konbanhasan. Off-line meetings in real life are fun, aren't they ⸜( ˶>ᴗ<˶)⸜? Even if you are usually involved in SNS, you can discover new things about this kind of person. ‼️
Welcome back Eririn ✌✨
Good morning, sake-run 😁. I had a great time at the meeting 😁. It was one of the most memorable ones for me too 😁. Great choice, just like you 🤣. I didn't get to talk much, but next time I'll be happy to talk to you 😁.
Thank you, A-chan! It was really fun to be offline. Next time we will have a year-end party at .........? I'll be happy to help you then 🫰🌟.