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Brands from Yoshida Shuzo


Honmachi-1216 Hirosechō Hirose, Yasugi, Shimane
map of Yoshida Shuzo
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裏月山縁 しぼりたて無濾過生原酒
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I bought this one at the 7-Eleven Tsudanuma store. I was not sure if it was a good idea to suddenly buy the back side of the bottle if I had never had Gassan before, but after reading the POP, I was more interested in the back side, so I had no choice but to buy it. I was not surprised to find that I spent more and more time in the liquor store to read the POP when there were so many items to choose from. I could tell from the aroma when the bottle was opened that it was a modern type of ginjo, and when I drank it, it was actually sweet and tasty, but I felt it was a little too strong^^; I got used to it, and it didn't bother me so much after the next day. It was rather tasty. I would like to drink the front side and compare them.
Hello, freelancer man of the first generation 😃. I see that the Seven in the Holy Land is not only well-stocked with products but also with pop-ups 😳I guess that means the store is packed 😆I understand why you stay there for a long time 😌. You can also enter through the front door by the back entrance 🤗.
Hi Jay & Nobby ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. I remember that all the sake products except for the small bottles and one-cup ones had a POP with an explanation. But when I go there, I am the only one who wanders around in the sake section.
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A memorandum of my visit to SUMIMASEN🙏. It's been a while since I've been to "SAKE BASE" in Nakahiro. Today I drank a rare sake from Shimane called "Ura-Gassan" - Enishi 🍶. It was fruity but dry, with a slightly fizzy taste 😋.

Brands from Yoshida Shuzo