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880-1 Asahi, Nagaoka, Niigata
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Purchased at a sake specialty store in Chiba, Japan. 300ml ¥440 It had a beautiful package, so I thought it might be a sweet sake targeted at women. I thought it might be a sweet sake targeting women, but I was right. The aroma is not so strong when the sake is cold, but as it gets closer to room temperature, the gorgeousness of the rice and the aroma has a slight sourness. Fresh and fruity aroma. Cold Sake When chilled to sake cup, it is not so acidic, but has a strong sugary sweetness that stands out. Juicy, fruity and refreshing acidity. When served chilled in a room temperature sake cup, the sweetness and strong acidity are impressive. When served cold, the aftertaste is quite refreshing and does not linger in the mouth, making it very easy to drink. As it approaches room temperature, the sweetness settles down as the strong acidity and firm aftertaste reminiscent of citrus fruits change. Overall, the strong sweetness, strong acidity, and refreshing aftertaste are interesting and tasty, and change dramatically depending on the temperature. We recommend pairing it with chocolate. The acidity is perfect without interfering with the aroma of the chocolate. It is said to go well with ethnic foods as well. Asahi Sake Brewery Address: Asahi, Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture Junmai Sake Ingredients: Rice, rice malt (all from Niigata Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio 65 Alcohol percentage 10%. Sake degree -38 Acidity 2.3 Mature, with a large sweet taste Official recommendation: Cold or room temperature