I'm Hiroshi, the dad from Crayon Shinchan.
The label makes him look cool, but he doesn't have that image 😅.
The endorsement praises the hard working dad. Is it some kind of collaboration sake 🤔?
It's sake 🍶.
The overall structure is transparent with a light sweetness 😄.
There was a very slight alcohol sensation at the end.
Good evening, Hiro🌠.
In the manga, Hiroshi was drinking 5 gou every night and his mother scolded him for drinking at least 3 gou. I remember thinking that people used to drink a lot. I would like to find this sake 🍶🧐.
Good evening, x777303 🌙
You're a 5-gallon ❗️ drinker every night 😳Thanks for letting me know 🙏.
I wonder if there's any way to boost your drinking if you drink this in honor of Hiroshi 🤣.
Anyway, please look for it 😆.
Hi Hiro, good morning 😃.
I wouldn't go so far as to buy it 😅I'd like to try it out for a drink 🤗It's not from Kasukabe, but it's from Saitama prefecture, which is also cool 👍.
I wonder what kind of taste the Hiro sake will have? I wonder if it's astringent 😆.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby😄.
I too would hesitate to buy a four-pack on my first visit...it's a good thing about drinking outside that you can easily try it out 😆.
I think Hiro's sake is sweet and tasty and flies through the air 😆.