y's加藤と山田と小林と。純米大吟醸Kobayashi ShuzoHokkaido4/10/2024, 11:31:09 AM4/10/202418y'sSake Mood The aroma is subdued and melon-like. The taste is slightly thickened, with a melon-like umami, full-bodied, yet crisp and dry. The impression is completely different from the first to the last, which is great!Japanese>English
酔生夢死加藤と山田と小林と。純米大吟醸Kobayashi ShuzoHokkaido9/21/2023, 5:48:36 AM9/20/2023西2南10/11交差点35酔生夢死Pondoo - Kairaki Rice: Yamadanishiki (grown in Hokkaido) Rice polishing ratio: 45 Yeast: --- Alcohol: 16% abv. Sake degree: +2 Acidity: 1.7Japanese>English