SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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Memorandum of January 7 Happy New Year once again everyone ✨! Many likes ❤️ and comments 💬 during the last year. Thank you very much for your likes 🙇 and comments 💬 during the last year. We look forward to working with you again this year 🙇. I was infected with a certain infectious disease during the New Year's holidays, I was infected with a certain infectious disease during the year-end and New Year's holidays 😭 I was envious of your New Year's postings of luxurious meals and the best drinks. I was envious while watching your posts. My fever has gone down and my sore throat and cough have subsided. I will drink a little. I couldn't go to my wife's parents' house to wish them a Happy New Year. I received this sake as a gift 🍶. Fresh aroma like new sake, It has a fresh aroma like new sake, soft and smooth on the palate. After that, the rice flavor, sweetness, and slight acidity hit you hard! It is quite sweet, but powerful 💪. It's hard to believe that the alcohol content is 19%, but it is well-balanced. After all, 19 degrees is 19 degrees. My body seemed to be surprised by the sake after a long time 💦laughs This balance is quintessential ✨. 300 is not enough for me, I would like to buy some 😊. Thanks for the treat 😋.