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御前酒 HACCOS 2022御前酒 HACCOS 2022


116 Katsuyama, Maniwa, Okayama
map of Tsuji Honten
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The face of Okayama Bodhi Hashiroshi? Gozenshu. I see that the brewing water is soft water. Now, the first event of HACCOS, a business-to-business exchange program, will be held in Okayama, Taisho no Tsuru Brand Ochi-shuzo The first HACCOS event was a challenge to brew Bodaihashi with hard water. Gozenshu 🟰 full and sweet but I like it, This is a light yet complex sake that you will not get tired of drinking, light but complex, which I don't get tired of drinking, Nice Bodhi yeast! It has been sitting in the fridge for a long time, Finally found it! Thanks 😊.
Good evening, Sakee-san. Gozenshu and Taisho no Tsuru have exchanged brewing water! I was really interested in it, but I just gave up on it the other day because I couldn't afford two bottles. I had heard that changing the water makes a big difference 😊.
Hirupeco, Thank you for all your true core eating messages😊. For a sake brewery, the brewing water is the most important thing, I'm always looking for new ways to make sake brewing water, This swap is interesting🤣.