
Sake Labo





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Sake Labo
The Wataribune rice varietal was extinct for 80 years before Yamauchi san, the owner/brewer of Huchuhomare who revived it using 14g of seedlings from the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences. The pinnacle of the Wataribune range, this sake offers fresh fruit- driven aromas. The flavors gently & lovingly envelope your palate cumulating with a very crisp and clear finish. Huchuhomare, Ibaraki Alcohol 16.5% Rice Wataribune Semaibuai 35% SMV +3 Acidity 1.5
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Sake Labo
Origin: Isojiman Premium Sake Brewing, Shizuoka ABV: 16% Rice: Akaiwa Omachi Volume: 720ml Semaibuai: 55% SMV: +3 Acidity: 1.2 Grade: Tokubetsu Junmai This is one of Isojiman most popular sakes & the Omachi 55 has a spirited aroma and a fruity palate. Full of Umami and well-balanced sweetness, it matches well with a wide variety of dishes. Akaiwa, a city in Okayama is widely recognized as having the perfect soil and climatic conditions for the cultivation of Omachi.
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Sake Labo
Using nabeshima classic kobo, this sake offers gentle hints of fruit on entry with strikingly clean umami and a crisp, sharp and dry finish. Yokawasan in Hyogo is famed for its highly prized yamadanishiki rice. Fukuchiyo Shuzo, Saga 富久千代酒造有限会社, 佐賀県 Alcohol アルコール度数 16.0% Rice 原料米 吉川産山田錦 Semaibuai 精米歩合 50% SMV 日本酒度 +5~6 Acidity 酸度 1.3
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Sake Labo
Tasting Notes: Fruit-driven bouquet with a luxurious mouth-feel with a gentle & calm finish. Can be enjoyed both warm or chilled. Ibaraki faces the vast Pacific Ocean which lends to the inspiration behind its name 太平海. Alcohol アルコール度数 15.5% rice 原料米 Gohyakumangoku 五百万石 Seimaibuai 精米歩合 55% SMV 日本酒度 +2 Acidity 酸度 1.5
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Sake Labo
Tasting Notes: Fruit-driven bouquet with a luxurious mouth-feel with a gentle & calm finish. Can be enjoyed both warm or chilled. Ibaraki faces the vast Pacific Ocean which lends to the inspiration behind its name 太平海. Alcohol アルコール度数 15.5% rice 原料米 Gohyakumangoku 五百万石 Seimaibuai 精米歩合 55% SMV 日本酒度 +2 Acidity 酸度 1.5
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Sake Labo
The polishing at 45% is extravagant for a Junmai Ginjo. Flagship of Kanbai Shuzo, this sake exhibits excellent structure with clean and refreshing acidity on the finish. Finish is moderately dry & this sake matches well with richer cuts of maguro & grilled wagyu. Alcohol: 16.0% Rice: Miyama Nishiki Semaibuai: 45% SMV: +3 Acidity: 1.5
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Sake Labo
Origin: Nagai Shuzo, Gunma ABV: 50% Semaibuai: 50% SMV: +2 Acidity: 1.3 Vol: 720ml International Wine Challenge 2016, Junmai Daiginjo Gold Medal Rich flavours of pineapple, melon, ripe citrus, strawberry, mandarin and fruit preserve, Hints of passion fruit, tangerine and apple integrate well on the palate with banana, honey, fig and candied fruit. Good acidity and a rich, creamy texture, well balanced with a clean, dry finish.