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Royal Sky Lounge

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Taiheizan純米酒 艸月(そうげつ)純米
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Royal Sky Lounge
At the end of the trip in the lounge light and delicious drinks. Last time I was in Chiyoroku This time it was different. It was a nice end to the trip extensive knowledge Alcohol content: 15 degrees Celsius Ingredients Rice Rice Malted Rice Polishing ratio 60 Rice used: Akita Sake Komachi Sake Degree ±0 Acidity 1.7 Amino acidity 1.1 Yeast used: Isolated yeast from a brewery
千代緑純米大吟醸 yeast story R-5純米大吟醸生酒無濾過
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Royal Sky Lounge
They say it's only available at Akita Airport! And it's Junmai Daiginjo! How many cups can I drink? I found this article posted on Facebook. Corona is settling in and the airport lounge is getting a new look! They're opening a cafe this month! The sake was deliciously sweet and fruity, just the way I like it! extensive knowledge Yeast used: Komachi yeast R-5 Rice polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol 16.5