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Attended a sake party at Tsuki no Rin. Held at izakaya Riisan 😊. The nose has a slight, subdued sweetness. The sweetness of the rice is easy to drink, as is typical of Junmai Daiginjyo, with a hint of bitterness and acidity at the end. It is very easy to drink on its own. Delicious 😋. I had it with mekabu, wakame seaweed, nabana dashi and sashimi (tuna, octopus, sea bream). Oh my goodness. It does not interfere with the ingredients, but has a sense of unity that makes the sake go further 🤤I personally think it would have gone better with sea bream or octopus: ☺️ Sorry, I was too drunk to post the rest. I was too drunk to post the rest (lol). The last part of the event was closed by the Nanbu Touji 😉. Overall very satisfied😍. Rice polishing ratio] 40 Alcohol content】16度