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梅津の生酛H30 山田錦98純米生酛
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Drinking out series I found a good cold sake, so I decided to ask what else was available. I found one that I had had a while ago, Umezu's Nama Hashiroshi, which I suspected was Bancha when I first saw it. This restaurant also had teacups, so once again Bancha came before my eyes. The store owner's choice was to add a little water and raise the temperature to 70°C. Perhaps because it was only 98 polished, I could sense a kind of graininess, which gave it a savory flavor like burnt soy sauce. I had a similar taste when I drank nigori from this brewery before, but I wonder what it is. It tastes concentrated, as if you are drinking soup stock. I wonder if it is strong enough to be defeated even when it is hot. It has a strong taste, so you can enjoy it even when it gets cold. The acidity is more pronounced.
Kirei熟成純米 無濾過原酒純米原酒無濾過
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Drinking out series I found the words "sake" on the menu of a Chinese restaurant, and thought it was just a level of sake they had on the menu, but this is what I got. I thought it was just a level of sake, but this is what I got. This time, I drank this Kamerei cold. It is smooth and sweet. It has a nice acidity. It is like an elegant snack. There is not much aftertaste. It has a strong flavor, but it is not too strong and easy to drink. I think it has a really nice flavor. It is best served cold.