sunyiwenxKoeigiku无过滤生原酒sunburstKoeigiku ShuzoSaga10/2/2021, 4:40:03 PM10/2/2021Sober Company家飲み部23sunyiwenxOne of the best wines in recent memory, just off summer break from the glorious Daisy! The entry is a rich and complex sweet and tangy nose that lasts a long time and doesn't turn sourChinese>English
sunyiwenxTakachiyo无过滤生酛 雄町Takachiyo ShuzoNiigata8/28/2021, 2:20:50 PM8/28/2021Sober Company1sunyiwenxIt's a bit similar to the Shinshu Kamehameha I just drank, but with a stronger aroma and a fuller flavor.Chinese>English