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日本酒ハマりたて🍶 まだまだ勉強中で色んな銘柄に挑戦中です。 さっぱりキレのあるものを好んでよく呑んでます。 オススメの酒造などあれば教えてください🙇‍♀️ よろしくお願いします♪

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町田酒造特別純米 生酒特別純米生酒発泡
It is directly pumped, so gas is generated, and you can enjoy the "shwashi" sensation you feel on the bottom. They are very particular about their sake, so it is not uncommon for them to stop distributing it if they don't like it, but I was lucky enough to purchase it the other day and enjoyed it with some refreshing fish. After I started drinking it, I thought it might have been better with something like shellfish or fish roe rather than fish... but somehow it was delicious all the way through and I ended up drinking the whole bottle lol. It is a little sweet and suitable for cold sake, and easy to drink even for women. It has a mellow and elegant aroma that passes through the nose, but it also has a fizzy and tangy accent that makes it an enjoyable sake to drink all the way through 🍶.
This time I had it with soba noodles. I had heard that it had a slightly peculiar taste, but it was very sharp and refreshing and did not leave a lingering taste on the palate, so I thought it would go well with fish dishes and lightly seasoned Japanese food. On the other hand, I think it would lose its punch with oily food and meat dishes... The price is reasonable, so I would like to check it out and buy a bottle next time.