SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Denshu特別純米酒 生 2022年 新酒特別純米生酒
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Sunday night, I got sick and went down for a long time 😥. I had to leave work early. I decided to take Monday and Tuesday as a rest day 😔. I'm back and I'm going to open the bottle🎶. Aomori prefecture is the only prefecture in the 6 prefectures in the Tohoku region with a low number of check-ins at Sake-no-wa. Aomori prefecture is the only prefecture in 6 prefectures in Tohoku 😅. It's also because there are very few brands available in the area 🤔. By the way, this is the first time for me to buy Tasake's special pure and new sake 🎶. Somewhat muscat or white grape-like. Smell of smooth rice 🎶. Light on the palate, with a pleasantly light, slightly effervescent sensation 😋. A bit sweet, probably due to the sake being unpasteurized. Impressive 😆 The sourness and astringency of early ripe apples 🍏. It has a bitter aftertaste that refreshes the palate and is good as a food sake 👍. It's a very good sweet and bitter sake 🎶.
Good morning, etorannzyu! This will be gone in an instant 🤣. You're in Iwate and you don't have that much Aomori sake! I'm sure there are quite a few distributors around Hachisen though 😳
Good morning Mr. Manachy 😃. I drank 1.5 gou and my parents drank 2.5 gou and then it was instantly extinguished 🤣. The only thing we can buy near us is Tasake and Hachisen 😥. Hato Masamune and Toyobai are now spot arrivals 💦.
熊谷 朋之
etorannzyu, congrats on getting back in shape! (^o^) I only see Hachisen at Fukuraiya and Tasake at Yamada Sake Shop once in a while. I always find them after I've stocked up, so I just pass them by. (^_^;
Hello etorannzyu 😃 Did you feel better after a day's sleep❓ Please don't take it too hard ❗️ I'm celebrating your recovery with a new bottle of Tasake sake: ⁉️ Well, you are definitely back on track both mentally and physically👍.
Hello etorannzyu, ❄️ I'm sorry to hear you've been sick 😰 so much so that you have to take a day off 😭 please take care of yourself! You say there's not much sake in Aomori and you're drinking this tasake, that's quintessential ✨.
Good evening, etorannzyu! Please take care of yourself! You need to stay healthy to drink good sake 😊. I'd love to try some of the rice wine raw someday 😋.
Good evening, etorannzyu! I'm thinking of Hachisen, Hato Masamune, and Tasake 😁. I really want to get the Toyobai 😅. I prefer Toyobai the best. ❣️ Oh, my partner will be attending the Akita offline meeting 🥹.
Conveyor of the decision. Are you feeling okay? Don't overdo it 😥. Morioka is easy to buy 4 kinds of Aomori sake, but I'll go to Aomori to buy other than the standard sake 🤔.
Hello Tomoyuki Kumagai 😃 I'm feeling better for the time being: 🙇♂️ Aomori sake is surprisingly hard to find in Iwate 😅 It's a neighboring prefecture 🤔.
Hello Haruei Chichi 😃 I have no problem at the moment for now 🎶. I got another one of Tasake the other day and opened it👍. This is my first time with the new Tokusyu sake and it's delicious 😋.
Hi Ponchan 😃 I can't drink alcohol when I'm sick 😅. Only Tasake and Hatsusen are available here with no restrictions 🤔. But I really don't see anything else 💦.
Hello kino.😃 It's been a really long time since I was ruined 😥. It's important to take care of yourself 🤔. I drank it for the first time and it was delicious😍. I hope I can drink it someday 👍
Hi T.KISO 😃 I'm jealous that you can buy more brands than here 🤣. I've never had a proper Toyobai 🤔. I see your wife will be attending 🎶. Please do 🙇♂️
Hi Erin 😃 I didn't mean to push myself too hard but I'm down 😅. If you want Aomori sake, it's best to go to Aomori 🤔. I'd appreciate it if there were more brands available nearby 💦.