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Kaganoiしぼりたて たかね錦純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Kaga-no-i? I've never seen this brand before. I'm just mumbling... "Sooooooo... Somehow, the warehouse owner got lined up next to me ...... Hehe! Hehe! It's sake rice called Takane-nishiki! Hehehe. It's the paternal cousin of Miyamanishiki! Hehehehehehehehe. It's a rare sake! Sorry, brewer! Oh~ooooo! That's him. You have just recognized me as a connoisseur of sake, and you have tried to tickle my appetite with a series of difficult words and phrases such as "Takane" and "Miyama" that ordinary people would not be able to comprehend. All right, I'll go into the ministry. This sake brewer, who has the "perfect tongue" given to him by the gods, is going to slay this sake rice called Takane-nishiki! I'm going to smash it down! ......... Oh, no~ Mecha-uma~n❤ (standard development) First of all, the Alc feeling. This is almost imperceptible. From the light mouthfeel, there is cemedine in the back and blue apples on the front. Anyway, the 1st attack is so refreshing that you don't even notice the 17° Alc. Also, the refined and resilient acidity, which reminds one of the sake brewing process, is excellent. Jungin specs have often been a bit weak lately, but sake has a lot of depth, don't you think?
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran. I've never had this brand before, but it's refreshing, drinkable, and looks delicious: ❣️ You are very good at finding good drinks 😳something that draws you in... 🤔 Oh! My knees!
Good evening, Pon-chan! No, really, this was a great drink and delicious 😁! My knees are semi-regular 🤣.
Thanks for your hard work on the traveling SAKE just now, Sakeran 😁. I'm curious to know that if a Niigata brewery brewed Takane Nishiki, a super hard rice, it would likely end up super light and refreshing like water, but they made it into a sake with impressive freshness and acidity 🤩.
Good evening Aladdin 👋. I was about to leave after saying hello to you for the last time, but you both disappeared before I knew it 😅? I'm not sure if this sake is a fast brew or not, but it had an impressive acidity.
Good morning Mr. Sake Run 😃 I didn't know the brewery could spot Mr. Sakélan, God's exquisite tongue, with just one glance 😁. 17 degrees alcohol, looks like a good drink 😰. Ahh! Where are your knees🦵? 🤣
Rafa papa
Good morning, Mr. Sakeran😃. I don't understand the difference between regular and semi-regular knees 🙄Aochan's reaction to the knee🦵 every time is funny🤣Aochan likes knees more than Mr. Sakeran🥰⁉️
Good morning, sake orchid 😃. We who have a fat belly but not a fat tongue with every drink 😆 God bless you for your tongue 🤗. This is a vigorous review that will draw you in 😋 we want to smash through and get back at you too 😁.
Hi Ao~👋 I don't really feel the Alc! And yet, as you say, it was a great drink.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran😃 I have an image that sake made with Takanonishiki is expensive, but I was impressed with Kaga no Ii when I drank it before, so I'm very interested in this one 🤔.
Good evening Rafa! I see that "knee tasting" is definitely spreading in the sake community! I'm so glad to hear it! I'll be back with more irregular knee tastings...
Mr. Lan, sorry to bother you so often 🙏. Vivian or Yingling or this drink? I thought so, but I was wrong 💦Mr. Lan, every rice notification is knee related 🤣already spreading 😂.
Good evening J & Nobby 👋 Yes, yes! There's a Nagano Prefecture sake event going on at a department store right now, and there's a Tochigi Prefecture sake brewery there. It was a Tochigi sake brewery, and they drank it! I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but it was drunk 😇?
Good evening, Mr. Bou! I was thinking, "What, you only brought Jungin? ......" but when I drank it, it was really delicious and I was surprised! I've got another Gohyakumangoku Ver. lined up with it, so I'll try that next time 😇.
Pon-chan, thank you very much! Well, at this pace, I think I'll start a "Japanese knee orchid religion" and sell knee jewels made of crystal. I think I'll start a "Japanese knee orchid religion" and sell knee jewels made of crystal. ......😏 Pon-chan, when you do that, we'll be a dream group, right? 🤣
Of course I'm drinking 🤗 Try Sawahime's knee 🦵👋
Garsas Tochigi Ai 🫶💕