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2025, I am completely late to the party. Flu 🧚 since the night of the 1st. Our house was destroyed during the New Year's holiday 🔥. So, a belated Happy New Year 🎍. I'm just in time because Osaka is open until the 15th 😅. The first bottle of the new year is from Midorikawa in Niigata prefecture. It was not prepared by me, but was opened at a family gathering. The aroma is elegant and light. It is light, with a hint of sweetness and bitterness at the end. Not so much dry as light and dry. This is Niigata. We also had it lukewarm. The sweetness increases, and the overall impression is that it opens up gradually, which is a nice touch. After this, I got a fever and went down. ⤵️ This three-day weekend is a New Year's do-over 😄. I bought some sake for New Year's, and I'm going to drink it. Influenza A is very popular and B is coming soon, so please be careful.
Good evening, Maru-san 🌛. I've never had Midorikawa, but I have an image of Niigata for its light and dry taste 🤣. I hope you will be able to make up for your flu during the three-day weekend!
Happy New Year, Maru 🌄 and best wishes for the new year ✨. I'm sorry you've had a tough start to the year with the flu, hope you make up for it over the three-day weekend 😁. I think it's still 2024 for me since I've been working since the end of the year 🤣.
Happy New Year, Maru 🎍🎍. I'm glad you're feeling better 🥲I'm sorry you had the flu ✨I hope you're drinking your way through this 3-day weekend 👍I'll be drinking as if it's New Year's addiction time 😆🍶.
Happy New Year to you, Maru🎍. It's been a tough start to the year with the flu 💧. I'm glad you're on the mend ✨I hope you enjoy your three-day weekend of drinking 🎵. I look forward to working with you again this year 🙇🙇.
Good evening, Maru-san ^_^ What a flu 🧚 since New Year's Day 😭. I have 🧚 flying over me too and I'm going back to work tomorrow. I'm just getting started because of my late start. ✌️
Happy New Year to you, Maru 🌅 and best wishes for the new year: 🙇🏻🙇🏻‍♀️ Staying ahead of the trends 😅It was hard to be down ⤵️ after drinking the first bottle of the New Year 😓 Enjoy a late New Year with your family!
Good morning, Ofuji! Well, the flu was tough 😂Ofuji, enjoy Akita, I'm glad we both recovered 👍Midorikawa was like the Niigata 😁.
Happy New Year, Gyve 🎍. I've recovered well and I'm drinking well🤣. I hope the new year starts soon for you too 😭. Please drink with me this year too 🍶.
Happy New Year, Kotaro-san 🎍I am recovering perfectly thanks to you! I'm going to drink a lot during this three-day weekend 🤣. Please drink a lot, Kotaro-san 🙌!
Happy New Year to you, ma-ki-🎍Well, it's been a tough year 😭I'm full of it now, so I'm going to drink it all down and get it back 🤣. It's fun to think about what to drink 🤩.
Good morning, Manta! I see 🧚 flew away to you too Manta 💦 We both had a tough time 😭. Good luck with your work and look forward to your soaking tidbits 😁.
Happy New Year, Jay & Nobby 🎍 and a happy new year 🙇. This three-day weekend is all about partying! We are also firmly in Tochigi love 🥰👍 Thanks for your health 💪.
Maru, I know I'm late to the party, but I wish you a happy new year 🙇. I hope you had a good 3 days to make up for the hard time you had during the New Year's holiday 😁. I've always been curious about Midorikawa😊I think I'll like it better if it is heated up even if it is light and dry!
Pon, I look forward to working with you again this year 🙇. Three consecutive holidays, not a full recovery, but not bad 😆. I found Midorikawa to be sweeter with a meal than on its own. I recommend drinking it outside for the sweet-umami group 🤣.