We're trying a lot of things this year... ♪
<Matsuno-no-Masa> (top left)
It is easy to cook because of the soggy lees.
It has a pungent taste if you eat it as it is, but if you make amazake with it, you don't mind.
It's also delicious with a little coffee added to amazake 😁.
The most neutral taste in both amazake and sake lees soup.
Monsoon (top right)
Sake lees from kijoshu (sake made with sake), even as it is, tastes sweet and tasty without being overpowering.
It goes well with amazake (sweet sake) and Japanese dishes, and the sake lees soup is not enough.
The picture is with tomatoes, the sourness of the 🍅 and the sweet sake lees went well together. ❣️
bottom left
I didn't recognize this one until the label.
It is lighter than "Monsoon" and goes well with amazake and Japanese food.
The photo shows it with kinpira gobo (burdock root). The dark kinpira matched well with the fruity sake lees. ❣️
Furozumi (bottom right)
Because it is pressed by a balance, there is still some sake left in the sake, so it goes well with sake lees soup. Cocky finish 😌.
Amazake also has a robust taste, a little twangy
I mixed it with cream cheese and served it with spinach, but I think it tastes better made with fruity sake lees🤔.
Good evening, Pon. 😊
I'm very interested in sakekasu,
I don't have much in my repertoire, so I don't buy much.
I don't buy much. I want to use it in many different ways.
I want to use it in many ways. I'll make a note of these two 😋. 😍
Hanapin, thanks for your help here 😊.
If the lees is hard, please loosen it with water. It's delicious mixed with a little mirin and sugar and dressed 🎶It's also good mixed with a little cream cheese and dressed 😉.
Understood. 😊
I would love to try it. 😋
Sake lees, it seems to be good for beauty and health, so please visit ❣️ with your wife!
Good evening, Pon-chan 😀
You are indeed a Pon-chan with various sake lees dishes 😀.
In my house, we only choose sake lees soup 🤣.
But even the sake lees soup tastes completely different depending on the brewery that uses it, so that's fun 😇
Good evening, Pon.
Cooking with sakekasu is also a wonderful way to make use of sake lees: ⤴️
The only thing I could think of was sake lees soup, but there are so many ways to make it 😋.
And I'm glad you've recovered to be able to lead a normal life🍀.
Ponchan 🥰 wow 💓 they all look delicious ‼️ sake lees of any kind of sake is important too 🧐 sake lees of noble sake, I see, I will learn 💪 I will try it too ‼️
Good evening, Pon-chan 🍶.
I'm going to throw in some sakekasu nabe 🍲.
I buy sakekasu when the liquor store has sakekasu from my favorite brewery 💦.
Good evening, Pon 😃.
It's very interesting to compare different brands of sake lees 🤤.
So many recipes besides amazake and sake lees soup 😳
I like sakekasu raisin which is fruity sake lees loosened up a bit with the same sake and add a lot of raisins 😊.