SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Sogga pere et filsヌメロシス、ヌメロシス池田、田幸、天神原、ヌメロアン、トロア、イリヤソントン、ルサケナチュレル90
しぇり〜I went to a tasting of Sogapère Ephis! The lineup was... 1) Numérosis 2) Numerosis Ikeda (3) Tenjinbara Riasakenaturel (4) Tagayuki Ria Sakenaturel 5) Numeroan ⑥Toroa ⑦Ilya Thornton (8) Le Sacquet Naturel 90 🍷Cepage European I compared 8 sake and extra wine, I would write my impressions of each one but halfway through I couldn't even tell the difference because they all tasted so good😅. I vaguely remember that... I think the "Tenjin Haraia Sake Naturel" and the "Troa" were the best 🙄. The rarest "Lusake Naturel 90" tasted very interesting. The complexity of the flavor was somehow like a new Masa Lapidus 🤔. Finally... Mr. Soga says he feels uneasy and humiliated that when people search for Obuse Winery, sake, which he makes as a hobby, comes up higher than wine. He must not be happy that his wine is being talked about because it is rare, while he is putting his life into his wine. But I'm still posting about it on social networking sites 😅.
しぇり〜The wine was delicious, so everyone at "sake-no-wa" should try Obuse Winery's wine too 😌.
ymdazGood evening, Sheri 😃. It's great that you were able to taste all of the wines. I've been to the winery and bought some wine, and it's become our "house wine". We always have some in stock👍.
まつちよGood evening, Shieri-san! Obuse wine is delicious ☺️ I drink wine too, so I hope you'll go all out for sake too 😅.
しぇり〜ymdaz, I enjoyed the tasting at the liquor store in Nara. I recommended "sake-no-wa" to those who attended 😌😌🍷The Sogapère Ephis wine is also delicious 🤔.
しぇり〜Good evening, Matsuchiyo🙂. I've never had Obuse wine before, but it's delicious! Soga-san seems to have too much passion for wine and doesn't seem to focus on sake😅.
たっく0103Good evening, Shiri 😀 I must try the Obuse winery wines too 🍷Sogape tasting is so stylish ✨We still have some Anne and Trois at home, so maybe we can enjoy them during the holidays 😊.
Masaaki SapporoGood evening, Shieri~! Nice tasting of Sogapère Ephis ✨I've never had it so I'm curious 😋 interesting to see what the owner has in mind 😁.
しぇり〜Good evening, Takku0103! I used to drink only cheap alpaca from the supermarket for wine, so proper wine was still delicious 🍷I see you have Anne and Toloa! I'm looking forward to your posts!
しぇり〜Masaaki Sapporo, I am grateful to be able to drink all the Sogapère Ephis 😌 It seems to be made as a hobby, but it is quite tasty! The owner seems to be very particular about his wines 🤔.
ポンちゃんGood evening, Mr. Shiri 🦉. That's spectacular✨It's great that you can do so many tastings😻 I'd love to try the wines you all say are so good 🍷 ❣️
しぇり〜Good morning, Pon, 🙂. It was my first time to attend a tasting. It was a lot of fun, not only could I compare sogapés, but I also heard many stories! The wines were so easy to drink that I bought a bottle 🍷.
こぞうMiss Shiri Good morning 😳 It's spectacular, even for a tasting 😳 Tastings are fun because you get to talk to the people at the brewery... I wonder if I can tell the difference in taste...I don't think I can 🤣.
しぇり〜Koizo-san, the Soga Perle Ephis tasting was interesting. It was at a liquor store in Nara, and it was great to hear about your meeting with Mr. Soga. You can only tell the difference in taste at the beginning😅.
遥瑛チチGood evening, Mr. Shiri 🌆. Sogape tasting sounds gorgeous and fun ❗️ I want to drink wine and sake with gusto!
しぇり〜Good evening, Haruei Chichi 🙂. I would have liked to drink a little more since it was 20ml each 😁I promoted "Sake no Wa" to those who were present at the tasting 😌😌.
kzsh1017You've conquered all kinds~. Le saké naturale was very hard to obtain.
しぇり〜kzsh1017, le saké naturale is never available to me 💦 it's amazing that you can get this 🙂.