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武士心Bushi Gokoro

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Brands from Takechi Saketen

Bushi Gokoro


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愛媛県の地酒 蔵元屋
Today's runner-up is a brewery in Matsumae-cho, Iyo-gun, Chuyo. Masaki-cho is hard to read at first sight. I wonder if Masaki has been spreading a little outside the area since Emifuru was built. Aside from that, this sake is named after the residence of Kato Yoshiaki, the Seven Spears. It looks golden in color, and the negative word expression is old incense, but it is not that unpleasant, and there is an aroma of maturity & some brandy. It has acidity. It is hard to match with meals, but it is good for a leisurely drink.
Bushi Gokoro原酒 無濾過 ふれっしゅ原酒無濾過
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Matsuyama Mitsukoshi (松山三越)
February 25, 2015 Dinner at home. Recommended to me in the basement. Opened a bottle of local sake. In Matsumae Town, next to Matsuyama City A small brewery brews this sake. It is an unpasteurized sake, and the alcohol It's a high 19-20 degrees. It's massive. However, as the name suggests. Fresh aroma and sweetness. It's quite tasty. In this case, one as it is. I drank it all down. Or taste it on the rocks. It could be good. When the time comes again, it's been a while. I think I'll buy it.

Brands from Takechi Saketen

Bushi Gokoro